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The Blue Nowhere

The Blue Nowhere

Titel: The Blue Nowhere
Autoren: Jeffery Deaver
Vom Netzwerk:
face. “I know everything about you. Everything in the world.”

CHAPTER 00000010 / TWO
    S lowly, slowly . . .
    Don’t damage them, don’t break them.
    One by one the tiny screws eased from the black plastic housing of the small radio and fell into the young man’s long, exceedingly muscular fingers. Once, he nearly stripped the minuscule threads of one screw and had to stop, sit back in his chair and gaze out his small window at the overcast sky blanketing Santa Clara County until he’d relaxed. The time was eight A.M. and he’d been at this arduous task for over two hours.
    Finally all twelve screws securing the radio housing were removed and placed on the sticky side of a yellow Post-it. Wyatt Gillette removed the chassis of the Samsung and studied it.
    His curiosity, as always, plunged forward like a racehorse. He wondered why the designers had allowed this amount of space between the boards, why the tuner used string of this particular gauge, what the proportion of metals in the solder was.
    Maybe this was the optimal design, but maybe not.
    Maybe the engineers had been lazy or distracted.
    Was there a better way to build the radio?
    He continued dismantling it, unscrewing the circuit boards themselves.
    Slowly, slowly . . .
    At twenty-nine Wyatt Gillette had the hollow face of a man who was six feet, one inch tall and weighed 154 pounds, a man about whompeople were always thinking, Somebody should fatten him up. His hair was dark, nearly black, and hadn’t been recently trimmed or washed. On his right arm was a clumsy tattoo of a seagull flying over a palm tree. Faded blue jeans and a gray work shirt hung loosely on him.
    He shivered in the chill spring air. A tremor made his fingers jerk and he stripped the slot in the head of one tiny screw. He sighed in frustration. As talented mechanically as Gillette was, without the proper equipment you can only do so much and he was now using a screwdriver he’d made from a paper clip. He had no tools other than it and his fingernails. Even a razor blade would have been more efficient but that was something not to be found here, in Gillette’s temporary home, the medium-security Federal Men’s Correctional Facility in San Jose, California.
    Slowly, slowly . . .
    Once the circuit board was dismantled he located the holy grail he’d been after—a small gray transistor—and he bent its tiny wires until they fatigued. He then mounted the transistor to the small circuit board he’d been working on for months, carefully twining together the wire leads.
    Just as he finished, a door slammed nearby and footsteps sounded in the corridor. Gillette looked up, alarmed.
    Someone was coming to his cell. Oh, Christ, no, he thought.
    The footsteps were about twenty feet away. He slipped the circuit board he’d been working on into a copy of Wired magazine and shoved the components back into the housing of the radio. He set it against the wall.
    He lay back on the cot and began flipping through another magazine, 2600, the hacking journal, praying to the general-purpose god that even atheist prisoners start bargaining with soon after they land in jail: Please let them not roust me. And if they do, please let them not find the circuit board.
    The guard looked through the peephole and said, “Position, Gillette.”
    The inmate stood and stepped to the back of the room, hands on his head.
    The guard entered the small, dim cell. But this wasn’t, as it turned out, a roust. The man didn’t even look around the cell; he silently shackled Gillette’s hands in front of him and led him out the door.
    At the intersection of hallways where the administrative seclusion wing ran into the general population wing the guard turned and led his prisoner down a corridor that wasn’t familiar to Gillette. The sounds of music and shouts from the exercise yard faded and in a few minutes he was directed into a small room furnished with a table and two benches, both bolted to the floor. There were rings on the table for an inmate’s shackles though the guard didn’t hook Gillette’s to them.
    “Sit down.”
    Gillette did.
    The guard left and the door slammed, leaving Gillette alone with his curiosity and itchy desire to get back to his circuit board. He sat shivering in the windowless room, which seemed to be less a place in the Real World than a scene from a computer game, one set in medieval times. This cell, he decided, was the chamber where the bodies of heretics broken on
Vom Netzwerk:

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