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The Alchemy of Forever

The Alchemy of Forever

Titel: The Alchemy of Forever
Autoren: Avery Williams
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are beautiful,” I tell her.
    “Thank you,” she says, looking at me more closely. “I think we’ve met before?”
    “I don’t think so,” I stammer, turning to the others. “It’s really crowded in here, let’s go outside.”
    Out on the street it’s cold, but we can move freely. We pass a guitarist playing folk songs, a puppet show, and a group of young men in baggy jeans and Oakland A’s caps dancing next to a boom box. Their movements are sinuous, graceful, and there’s an incredible sadness emanating from them, despite their claps and smiles.
    Leyla spots a car shaped like a giant snail and pulls us toward it. We hear a murmur from the crowd around it as its antennae shoot flames into the sky. “Oh my God, I need to see this!” says Leyla, walking faster.
    It’s the color of antique copper, metal panels shaped into the spiraled shell that makes up the bulk of the car. A delicate cage of wire makes up the snail’s head, and the orange flicker from its fiery antennae dances on the satiny finish. Dragonfly wings extend out from its sides, made of thin sheets of plastic that are painted to look like stained glass. Leyla pushes to the front of the crowd, where the artist is standing, wearing overalls and a fedora. “This is amazing!” she exclaims, running her hands over the surface of the shell. “Kailey! Come over here!”
    I join her, and the man asks if I’d like to control the flame, handing me the loop of leather that controls the gas. I pull it, and fire roars into the sky, to the delight of the crowd. My nose is filled with the scent of propane. “What’s it called?” asks Leyla, taking her turn at pulling the control.
    “ Fibonacci’s Flight ,” answers the artist.
    Leyla frowns. “You should rename it Fantastical Fiery Fairy Chariot !”
    “No, I think the name’s perfect just as it is.” He’s not amused.
    “Can I make it shoot fire again?” she asks hopefully.
    “I think you’re done,” he replies with a stern expression.
    She and I walk back to the boys, laughing. “I don’t know what his problem is,” she gripes.
    “He’s just cranky,” I assure her, throwing my arm over her shoulder. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
    Bryan declares that he’s hungry again, and we decide to get Korean tacos from a food truck. We’re standing in line when I hear a familiar voice behind me. It’s Nicole, with Chantal beside her. My heart sinks.
    We get our food and huddle in a circle. Nicole and Chantal join us, and I take a desultory bite of my taco, bracing myself for one of Nicole’s trademark icy glares. But she’s in good spirits, giving us all hugs.
    “Why are you so smiley?” Leyla asks, wiping hoisin sauce from her chin.
    “She’s got a crush on the substitute biology teacher,” Chantal informs us, smirking. “She won’t stop talking about him.”
    “Shut up!” Nicole says, blushing down to the neckline of her low-cut T-shirt. “I don’t have a crush on him—I just think he’s really smart.”
    “Mmm-hmm,” Chantal responds. “And you’re so famous for your love of learning.”
    “He did offer to tutor me, one-on-one,” Nicole admits, twirling a lock of her shiny brown hair. I can tell she’s enjoying the attention, especially in front of Noah.
    “Damn, girl. You’re lucky. He’s hot,” Leyla says.
    “Wait. Who is this guy?” Bryan frowns.
    “He’s a jackass substitute teacher who’s already been here far too long!” I explode, and take another angry bite of my taco. Why does Cyrus have to ruin everything? I was having fun, almost managing to forget that I was here on borrowed time, on the wings of a great big lie—I was feeling normal, like this was my real life. Which it is —what other life do I have? Every time I manage to find the smallest shred of happiness, every time I turn around, Cyrus is there to ruin it.
    “Kailey’s not a big fan of Mr. Shaw,” Noah explains needlessly.
    Leyla’s puzzled. “Really? I think he’s pretty cool. And he’s gorgeous, in that Viking sort of way. Tall and blond and cheekbones that could cut glass—”
    Bryan scowls.
    “If you’re into that kind of thing,” she finishes quickly.
    I shiver in the gathering fog and press closer to Noah for warmth. I feel embarrassed by my outburst. I don’t know what got into me. The others keep talking and laughing, but I stare into the distance. Thinking, calculating. I’m slightly worried about Nicole and her upcoming tutoring sessions—I
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