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Titel: Tempted
Autoren: P.C. Cast
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Damien said. “I’m going to wake her up, and get Darius, too. We’re going to talk this out. You need to describe exactly what Kalona showed you in that vision.”
    I nodded, but I knew I couldn’t do what they wanted me to do. I couldn’t talk to Aphrodite and Darius. Not when I felt so raw.
    “Okay, but I need a minute.” I wiped my face with my sleeve. Jack, who’d been watching everything with big, worried eyes, opened his man purse and handed me a little travel Kleenex package. “Thank you,” I sniffled.
    “Just keep it. You’ll probably cry more later,” he said, patting my shoulder.
    “Why don’t you guys go on up to Aphrodite’s suite? I’ll get myself together and be up there in a little while.”
    “Don’t take long, okay?” Damien said.
    I nodded and my friends walked slowly away. I looked at Heath. “I gotta be alone.”
    “Yeah, I figured, but I wanted to tell you something.” He took me by both of my shoulders and made me meet his gaze. “You have to fight this thing you feel for Kalona, and I’m not saying that because I’m jealous or whatever. I’ve loved you since we were kids. I’m notgonna leave you. I’m not gonna turn away from you, no matter what you say or do, but Kalona isn’t like Stevie Rae or Stark. He’s immortal. He’s from another whole kind of world, and Zo, I get ‘I want to rule this world’ vibes from him. You’re the only one who can stop him, so he has to have you on his side. He gets into your dreams. He gets into your mind, and there’s part of him that’s even connected to your soul. I understand that because I’m connected to your soul, too.”
    Being alone with Heath was actually calming me down. He was so familiar. He was my human rock—always there—always standing up for what was really best for me.
    “I’m sorry I called you jealous and possessive.” I sniffled and blew my nose.
    He grinned. “I am, kinda. But I always know what me and you have is special.” He jerked his chin in the direction Stark had gone. “Your Warrior boyfriend doesn’t have my confidence.”
    “Yeah, well, he doesn’t have as much Zoey experience as you do.”
    His grin widened. “No one does, babe!”
    I sighed and stepped into his arms, hugging him hard. “You’re like home to me, Heath.”
    “That’s what I’ll always be, Zo.” He pulled back and kissed me softly. “Okay, I’m gonna let you be alone ’cause you still got some snot and tears going on. And while you clean up, how about I track down Stark, tell him that he’s a jealous dork, maybe even punch him.”
    “Punch him?”
    Heath shrugged. “A good punch makes guys feel better.”
    “Uh, not if they’re receiving instead of giving,” I said.
    “Fine. Then I’ll go find someone else for him to punch.” He waggled his brows at me. “’Cause you obviously don’t want my pretty face messed up.”
    “If you find him, would you bring him to Aphrodite’s room?”
    “That’s what I planned on,” he said. Then he ruffled my hair. “I love ya, Zo.”
    “I love you, too, but I really hate it when you mess up my hair,” I said.
    He grinned over his shoulder at me, winked, and then went after Stark.
    I was actually feeling a little better. I sat on the bench, blew my nose again, wiped my eyes, and stared off into the distance. Then I realized what I was staring at and where I was sitting.
    It was the bench from one of my first Kalona dreams. It was built up on a mound so that from there I could look over the top of the huge wall that circled the island and see, off in the distance, the illuminated St. Mark’s Square looking like a magical wonderland in the wintry night. At my back was San Clemente Palace, all lit up and glistening. Around the palace to my right was the ancient cathedral turned High Council Chamber. All this beauty—all this power and majesty around me and I’d been too self-absorbed to
any of it.
    Maybe I’d become too self-absorbed to
Kalona, either.
    I knew what Aphrodite would say. She’d say I was making the bad vision come true. Maybe she was right.
    I lifted my head and stared up at the night sky, trying to see though the layers of clouds and concealment to the moon. And then I prayed.
    “Nyx, I need you. I think I’m lost. Please help me. Please show me something that will make things clearer to me. I don’t want to mess up . . . again . . .”



    Heath wondered if Zo knew she was breaking his heart. Not that he
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