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Sweet Starfire

Sweet Starfire

Titel: Sweet Starfire
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
Vom Netzwerk:
him to the river if he has?”
    “After I separate his head from his neck. Let’s have it, Craft. What’s been happening?”
    “Calm down, Severance. She and Desma haven’t been seen apart since you left. Saints know a few hopeful types tried to get Cidra interested in a nice steak dinner or something, but no one had any luck.”
    “She doesn’t like meat.” Severance readjusted the travel pack and stalked off toward the bank.

    “Maybe that’s why she’s drinking ale at the Bloodsucker tonight,” Craft called after him. “A lot of protein but not much meat in a glass of Rose ale.”

    “One of these days, Craft, someone’s going to accidentally push you into the river.” But Severance didn’t pause this time. He headed away from the dock facilities and up the dusty street, driven by a sense of urgency. He had so little time left with Cidra.
    She must have gotten very bored to have gone to the Bloodsucker for a drink. Maybe Desma had talked her into it. Cidra never did more than sip elegantly at a glass of wine or ale. At this late hour she was probably tired of killing time in a tavern. She wasn’t really cut out for spending her evenings that way. At least there was no Cord Racer around to cause trouble that night. Severance decided he wouldn’t chew Cidra out for spending a couple of hours in a tavern. After all, there wasn’t much to do in a place like Try Again. Besides, from what Craft had said, it sounded as if Desma was doing a good job of playing chaperon. He paced more quickly along the street, anticipating the pleasure in Cidra’s eyes when she saw him again.
    It was Desma who saw Severance come through the door. She glanced up, took in his dusty, stained appearance and the intensity of his eyes as he scanned the room, and then she smiled at Cidra. “He’s back.”
    Cidra blinked. She had just finished the last of her third mug of ale. “Who’s back?”
    “The love of your life.”
    “Oh, him.” Eyes narrowed to help her concentrate, Cidra looked around and saw Severance starting toward her down an aisle of tables. She smiled wistfully. “Isn’t he wonderful, Desma?”
    “He’s interesting, I’ll say that for him.”
    Cidra’s smile congealed into a frown as Severance reached the table. She glared up at him. “You’re late,” she announced.
    Severance tilted his head to one side, studying her as he let the pack slide to the floor. “You’re drunk.”
    “I have been drowning my sorrows. Ask Desma.”
    Severance slid a grim glance at Desma. “How the hell did she get into this condition?”
    “I did it all by myself,” Cidra answered.
    “I can see that. Why is it that every time I leave you on your own you get into trouble?”
    “I’m not in any trouble. You’re the one in trouble. Did you give those sensors away to Exce1lEx?”
    Severance leaned down, planting his hands on the table, to confront her. His eyes were glittering with a mixture of masculine irritation, desire, and possessiveness. “No, I did not give the sensors to ExcellEx.”
    “Did you get full credit on delivery?” she demanded.
    “Yes, Otanna Rainforest, I did. Satisfied?”
    “No. You should have gotten hazardous duty credit on top of the agreed-upon fee.”
    “I got a contract for another shipment instead. Does that please you?”
    Cidra’s severe expression changed back into a warm, approving smile. “Oh, Severance, that’s wonderful.”
    “Thank you.” He looked at Desma, who was smiling. “How much has she had?”

    . “Three mugs. Holding it very well, I might add.”

    “She’s spaced out of her little mind.”
    “She’s been waiting for you,” Desma said simply. “Today she started worrying that you wouldn’t return until after she left.”

    “She should have known better. That’s no excuse-”

    “I,” Cidra interrupted grandly, “don’t need any excuses. I am a financially independent woman who can do as she likes.”

    “Too much education and too much money. It’s a bad combination in a woman.” Severance straightened. “Are you ready to leave, Cidra?”
    “Yes, please. Where are we going?”
    “Someplace where there’s a bed.” He reached down to take her arm.
    “You need more than a bed, Severance. You need a shower.” Desma grinned up at him. “Why don’t you take her back to my place? I won’t be home for a while yet. You’re welcome to spend the night. Fred’s waiting there too.”
    “I appreciate the offer, Desma. I’ll take you up
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