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Start With Why

Start With Why

Titel: Start With Why
Autoren: Simon Sinek
Vom Netzwerk:
WHAT versus WHY
    and Apple
    born out of struggle
    and employees
    innovator mentality, percentage of population
    Law of Diffusion of
    as manipulation
    and marketing errors, TiVo example
    and mass-market success
    true, impact of
    compared to manipulation
    of employees
    and great leaders
    and brain
    and decisions. See gut decisions

Jeruchimowitz, Howard
    Jobs, Steve
    Apple startup
    return to Apple (1997)
    in WHY-HOW partnership
    See also Apple
    Jumper, John, General

Kelleher, Herb
    in WHY-HOW partnership
    See also Southwest Airlines
    Kennedy, John F.
    King, Martin Luther Jr.
    March on Washington
    as charismatic leader followers
    in WHY-HOW partnership
    King, Rollin. See also Southwest Airlines

    Langley, Samuel Pierpont
    laundry detergent, WHAT versus WHY
    Law of Diffusion of Innovation
    leaders and leadership
    career path and WHY
    clarity of
    followers, connection to
    and Golden Circle
    gut instincts of
    as inspirational
    as optimists
    and organizational growth
    School Bus Test
    succession, failures
    succession, successes
    success versus achievement
    true, impact of
    and trust
    WHY-HOW level teams
    See also individual leaders
    Leeson, Nick
    Lewis & Clark Bank
    and Apple products
    and WHY
    limbic brain
    and decision making. See gut decisions
    and loyalty
    and trust
    and WHY level
    logos, as symbols
    Lorenzo, Frank
    of Apple users
    and authenticity
    and brain
    of employees
    manipulation as destroyer of
    versus repeat business

    aspirational messages as
    celebrity endorsements as
    compared to inspiration
    and corporate manipulation
    and economic crisis (2008)
    effectiveness of
    fear as
    innovation/novelty as
    as loyalty destroyer
    as negotiating tactic
    peer pressure as
    price as
    promotions as
    and short-term results
    stress caused by
    Manly, Charles
    mass-market success
    and Law of Diffusion of Innovation
    market penetration percentage
    Maust, Trey
    cause of
    post-Gates era
    WHY as fuzzy
    Moore, Geoffrey
    Moran, Michael
    Motorola, RAZR innovation
    mp3 player

    and decision making
    and WHAT level

optimism, of WHY leaders
    Celery Test, finding WHAT and HOW
    corporate America methods. See manipulation
    culture, basis of
    growth, CEO role of
    stress caused by
    structure, Golden Circle of
    See also HOW level organizations; WHAT level organizations; WHY level organizations; specific companies

    of employees, root of
    and startups
    peer pressure, as manipulation
    personality, and adoption of innovation
    Powell, Colin
    price, as manipulation
    Price, Sol
    as manipulation
    Purpose or cause. See WHY level
    Putnam, Howard

    quality, product, evaluating

railroads, WHAT versus WHY
    Ramsay, Mike
    Reagan, Ronald
    Samsung claims case
    Restak, Richard
    results. See WHAT level
    Robinson, Lori, General
    Rogers, Everett M.
    Rosengarten, Sam

sales pitch
    pressure as manipulation
    WHAT versus WHY
    Samsung, rebate claims
    satellite radio, failure of
    School Bus Test
    Schultz, Howard
    Sculley, John
    Shackleton, Ernest
    short-term results, and corporate manipulation
    Sinegal, Jim
    slippage, and rebates
    Southwest Airlines
    cause of
    Celery Test, passing
    employee-company fit
    employees as first focus
    HOW level
    innovation, approach to
    low-cost competitors, failure of
    origin/growth of
    profitability of
    succession, success of
    WHY level
    Starbucks, WHY, loss of
    corporate America as cause
    and manipulation
    and WHAT level
    versus achievement
    feeling versus being
    and loss of WHY
    succession of leader, importance of
    Sumpter, Jeff
    created by followers
    logos as
    power of

    “Think Different” ads
    tipping points
    fads as
    Gladwell on
    TiVo, WHAT versus WHY marketing
    and brain
    celebrity endorsements
    elements of
    of employees in organization
    in familiar versus unfamiliar persons
    and leaders/followers
    and values
    WHY-HOW level partners

United Airlines, low-cost program failure

    articulating, nouns versus verbs
    and leaders/followers
    and shared values
    and trust
    Virgin Records
    Volkswagen Phaeton, failure of

    price as manipulation
    and Walton goals/values
    WHY, loss of
    Walton, Sam
    as everyman
    and winning
    Walton, S. Robeson
    WHAT level
    computer industry
    and consistency
    and consumer decisions
    dating example
    and decision
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