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Starry Night

Starry Night

Titel: Starry Night
Autoren: Debbie Macomber
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a good enough reason.”
    Carrie smiled and held the gold band between her index finger and thumb. This ring could very well be her ticket to reaching the elusive Finn Dalton.
    “You found him?” Sophie shouted from the other end of the cell phone. “You actually found Finn Dalton?”
    Carrie meandered through the Fairbanks airport, dragging her carry-on behind her with one hand and holding the cell phone to her ear with the other. Her high-heeled boots made tapping sounds against the floor as she left the baggage-claim area. “I haven’t found him yet,” Carrie corrected. “But I’m close.”
    “Where are you?”
    “Fairbanks. I just landed.” Carrie had caught the first available flight out of Seattle after meeting with Joan. “So,listen, if I’m not back in Chicago on Monday, make up an excuse, will you?”
    “You don’t want me to tell Nash you’re hot on the trail of Finn Dalton?”
    “Not yet. I want to present the article as a done deal.”
    “I can’t believe you were actually able to track him down,” Sophie said excitedly.
    “Don’t get ahead of me; I still don’t have that interview. Sorry, I need to go.”
    “Good luck. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.”
    “Thanks.” After ending the call, she stuck her cell phone in the outside pocket of her purse and made her way through the small airport, looking for the hangar where the bush pilots parked. All she had was Sawyer’s name, and she wasn’t even sure if it was his first or last. It took her awhile to locate the hangar. She asked around until she found someone willing to talk to her.
    Clearly she looked enough like a city girl with her full-length double-breasted gray wool coat, fashionable boots, and earmuffs for the pilots and mechanics to recognize she was another pesky reporter in search of the elusive Finn Dalton. She was barely able to get two words out of her mouth before she got the cold shoulder.
    “I’m looking for a pilot named Sawyer,” she asked a man inside the hangar, doing her best to hide her frustration. He looked like a mechanic, dressed in greasy coveralls. If bushpilots weren’t willing to talk to her, then perhaps he would. No one seemed to want to help.
    The mechanic’s eyes pierced her, slowly taking her in. “What do you want Sawyer for?” he demanded.
    Carrie straightened her shoulders and stood her full five feet ten inches, meeting him almost eye to eye. “I would like to hire him.”
    “For what?”
    “A job.”
    With his hands braced against his hips, the mechanic regarded her skeptically. “You’re another one of them reporters, aren’t you?”
    Carrie decided to sidestep the question. “I have something to deliver to a friend of Sawyer’s, so if you’d kindly point me in his direction, I’d be most appreciative.”
    “A friend of his named …” He left it for her to fill in the blank.
    Carrie’s shoulders relaxed. “Finn Dalton.”
    “That’s what I thought.” Turning his back on her, he walked completely around the outside of his plane, running his hand over the structure as though checking for something, although Carrie couldn’t imagine what.
    She wasn’t giving up. “Can you tell me if Mr. Sawyer is in the area now, or when I can expect to find him?”
    “Ah, so it’s Mr. Sawyer now?”
    Carrie ignored his tone and the question.
    “I have something to give Finn Dalton.”
    “Do you, now? And what might that be? A headache?”
    Very funny . She ignored that comment, although her patience was wearing thin. “It’s something from his mother.”
    “And his mother’s name is?” he asked, whirling around unexpectedly and almost colliding with her.
    “Joan,” she said quickly. “Joan Finnegan Dalton Reese.”
    The mechanic regarded her for several moments, studying her, his eyes boring into hers. “I’m Sawyer O’Halloran.”
    “You’re Sawyer?”
    “In the flesh.”
    After a long flight, Carrie was tired and hungry and anxious. “I want to hire you to take me to Finn Dalton.”
    Shaking his head, Sawyer muttered something indecipherable and walked away. “You and every other reporter who has been nosing around here.”
    Carrie hurried after him. “I’m serious, and I’ll pay you anything reasonable if you’ll take me to him. You can wait while I talk to Finn. I won’t be long, I promise.”
    “Just as I thought. When will you people give it up? Although I have to admit you’re cleverer than most, bringing up his mother.”
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