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Spirit Caller 01 - Spirits Rising

Spirit Caller 01 - Spirits Rising

Titel: Spirit Caller 01 - Spirits Rising
Autoren: Krista D Ball
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“Good bye, little spirit caller. I’ll be seeing you.” She looked at Mrs. Saunders and bowed. “You, elder one, will one day be very special indeed.”
    A moment later, the sphere broke and the spirits were gone.
    Mrs Saunders collapsed to the ground, and I rushed to her side to give her a hand up. She was pallid, and wheezed, “Oh my, I’m too old for this foolishness.”
    David reached down and helped me lift Mrs. Saunders. “We don’t agree with this witchcraft of yours but we decided we couldn’t let evil exist. We came to exorcise the demons.”
    “Thank you.” I meant it.
    He grunted. “I hope to see you at church on Sunday.”
    I gave a polite smile and began walking Mrs. Saunders to the car.
    “Will you be going to church on Sunday?”
    “Doubtful,” I said honestly.
    “Good. I’d hate to think all your bluster against religion was just a show.”
    I let out a laugh. Yes, this place was my home after all.


    Thank you for picking up Spirits Rising! I hope you enjoyed it. The second novella in Rachel’s adventures – Dark Whispers – will be out early autumn 2012. Interested in knowing when it comes out? Drop by my website and sign up for the new release newsletter! http://kristadball.com/contact/new-release-sign-up/

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