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Titel: Sebastian
Autoren: Anne Bishop
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is nothing more or less than a reflection of themselves?
    We can't tell them—because, despite the dangers that exist within it, the human heart is our only hope of restoring Ephemera someday. Nor can we let people completely deny the part they play in the constant shaping and reshaping of this world.
    So we will teach them this warning: Let your heart travel lightly. Because what you bring with you becomes part of the landscape.

    — The Lost Archives



Chapter Two



    Three weeks earlier
    Lukene gathered the frayed threads of her patience as she pulled out a chair at the study table and sat down next to the sulking girl. She'd been kind and understanding the first time this complaint had been voiced. And the second time. And the third. But no matter how many times she explained it, the girl refused to acknowledge the truth.
    "You're not going to promote me to Level One Landscapes are you?" the girl asked, her tone one part desperation and two parts hostility.
    Lukene sighed. "No, Nigelle, we're not. The Instructors considered your abilities very carefully before making the decision, but it is our conclusion that you haven't, as yet, achieved the skills necessary to advance. Until you have fulfilled all the requirements, you will not be granted a Landscaper's Badge."
    Nigelle pressed her fists against the top of the table. "I've been studying for four years . You have to achieve Level Two or better in five years in order to remain and continue studying for the higher levels.
    How am I supposed to fulfill the requirements for two levels in a year's time if you won't promote me to even the first level?"
    You can't , Lukene thought. And that is a blessing for us all . "What is the Hearts Blessing?"
    The girl's eyes darkened with anger. "Is this another test, Instructor Lukene? Although I don't see the point in asking a question every child knows the answer to."
    Guardians and Guides, let me finally explain this in a way she'll understand . "Then it should be a simple question to answer," Lukene replied. "Heart's Blessing."
    Nigelle sneered. "Travel lightly."
    Lukene nodded. "Travel lightly. Because what you bring with you becomes part of the landscape. That is true for every person who lives in this world. It is especially true for Landscapers, because we are the sieve through which Ephemera manifests what is reflected in all those hearts. The resonance of our hearts provides the bedrock through which the currents of Dark and Light flow, keeping people safe from the turmoil of their own feelings while still allowing the true desires of the heart to become real. We are the bedrock, Nigelle. Other people, and Ephemera itself depend on us to find a balance between the Light and Dark aspects of ourselves in order to filter the Light and Dark currents that are this world's wonderful and terrible power."
    "I know all that," Nigelle snapped.
    "Up here." Lukene tapped a finger against her own temple. Then she tapped the finger against her chest.
    "But not here. You carry too much baggage, Nigelle. You show up for the lessons, but you make only token attempts to practice those lessons. You're angry and envious whenever other students fulfill a requirement and go on to the next stage, but you won't do the work they did to achieve the goal. And yet you still expect us to grant you power over our world. We can't. Open your eyes, Nigelle. Look at what you manifest in your garden. Until that changes, until you change, we cannot allow you to have control of places other people will have to live in."
    The girl's sulkiness shifted, changing into something sly and ugly. "I know the real reason you won't advance me."
    Lukene sighed. Why did the "real" reason never have anything to do with the student's skills?
    "You're afraid of me," Nigelle said. "You know I'm better than you. Better than all of you. I'm like Belladonna, and you can't stand the thought of there being another Landscaper who can do things you can't even dream of."
    Unable to hide the shiver of fear that went through her, Lukene said nothing. Instructors never engaged in discussion once a student mentioned that name.
    After the silence stretched out, Nigelle let out a nasty little laugh and stood up. "You better keep that in mind the next time you evaluate my work."
    Lukene waited until Nigelle left the room before whispering, "We'll keep it in mind. Oh, we'll definitely keep it in mind."
    She braced her hands on the table to help her
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