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Titel: Rush
Autoren: Maya Banks
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nodded, taking a deep breath and heading down the hallway,
     past Jace’s office to the end where Gabe’s spacious corner office was situated. She
     paused at the doorway and stared down at her polished toes that peeked from the sexy
     heels Caroline had suggested she wear.
    She suddenly felt like the world’s biggest idiot. Whatever had come over Gabe at last
     night’s party was probably hugely misinterpreted by her. And she’d come dressed to
    She was just about to turn around and go back to the elevator as fast as those heels
     would take her when the door swung open and Gabe Hamilton stood there staring intently
     at her.
    “I was wondering if you changed your mind,” he said.
    She flushed guiltily, hoping like hell he couldn’t read her thoughts. Her guilt was
     probably plain to read on her face.
    “I’m here,” she said bravely, notching up her chin to stare back at him.
    He took a step back and swept his arm past him. “Come in.”
    She sucked in her breath and entered the lion’s den.
    She’d seen Gabe’s office once before, years ago when Jace had taken her on a tour
     of the floor HCM occupied, but she’d beenexcited and it had all been a blur. Now she studied the interior of Gabe’s office
     with keen interest.
    It screamed classy and expensive. Rich mahogany wood, polished marble floor that was
     partially covered with an elegant oriental rug. The furniture was dark leather with
     an antique, old-world look. Paintings adorned three walls while the last wall was
     all built-in bookcases filled with an eclectic mixture of works.
    Gabe loved to read. Jace and Ash teased Gabe about being a bookworm, but it was a
     passion that Mia shared with Gabe. While Gabe had given her the necklace and earrings
     she’d worn to the party the night before, that same Christmas, she’d given him a signed
     first edition of a Cormac McCarthy novel.
    “You look nervous,” Gabe said, breaking into her thoughts. “I won’t bite, Mia. Not
     yet anyway.”
    Her eyebrows lifted and he motioned for her to have a seat in front of his desk. He
     pulled the chair out and put his hand to her back as he guided her into place. She
     shivered at the heat of his touch, and he let his hand linger a moment even after
     she’d taken her seat.
    He let his fingers slide up her shoulder before he finally walked back around his
     desk to take his seat across from her. For a long moment he stared at her until heat
     crawled up her neck and to her cheeks. He didn’t simply look at her. He made her feel
     devoured by his gaze.
    “You wanted to see me,” she said in a low voice.
    The corner of his mouth crooked upward. “I want to do more than see you, Mia. If I
     had only wanted to
you, I would have spent more time with you last night.”
    Her breath stuttered raggedly over her lips and then for a brief time she simply forgot
     to breathe. She licked her lips and ran her tongue over her bottom lip in agitation.
    “For God’s sake, Mia.”
    Her eyes widened. “What?”
    His nostrils flared and his hands curled into fists on top of his desk. “I want you
     to come to work for me.”
    Of all the things she thought he might say, that hadn’t been one of them. She stared
     in astonishment at him as she tried to process the fact that he’d just offered her
     a job. Good God, she’d been well on her way to making a giant ass of herself. Her
     cheeks tightened in humiliation.
    “I have a job,” she said. “You know that.”
    He made a dismissive gesture with his hand and a sound of impatience erupted from
     his throat.
    “It’s not a job worthy of your capabilities and education and you know it.”
    “It’s not like I intend this job to be forever,” she defended. “They’ve been good
     to me and they’re shorthanded, so I promised I’d stay on until they can hire someone
    He gave her a look of impatience. “How long have they been telling you that, Mia?”
    She flushed and dropped her gaze briefly.
    “You’re cut out for more than being a cashier in a pastry shop. Jace didn’t spend
     all that money and you didn’t spend all that time in college to pass out donuts.”
    “I never intended it to be long-term!”
    “I’m glad to hear that. So give your notice and come to work for me.”
    He leaned back, staring intently at her as he awaited her response.
    “What exactly is the job you’re offering me?”
    “You’d be my personal assistant.”
    Just the way he said the words
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