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Private 02 - Private Paradise

Private 02 - Private Paradise

Titel: Private 02 - Private Paradise
Autoren: Jami Alden
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hell of a lot better shape than he'd been in. “It wasn't nothing,” he protested.
    “ It was less than nothing,” she said. She put her palms on her desk and leaned forward, her dark eyes narrowed in a fierce glare. “As you were so careful to point out, we were just hooking up. How significant could it be?”

Chapter Three

    Carla snuggled further under the blanket as the cool night breeze ruffled through her hair. The lights of the Las Vegas strip glimmered in the distance, but here, in the middle of the Nevada desert with an ocean of stars shining brightly above them, it felt like she and Sam were a world away from their lives in the suburbs surrounding the hustle and bustle of the strip.
    “ I've never seen so many stars,” she whispered, in awe of the lightshow sparkling above them. “At home there's too much ambient light from the strip to see them clearly, but out here you can see everything.”
    “ Mm hmm.” She felt a tickling sensation low in her belly as Sam slid a leanly muscled arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She shivered as he brushed her hair over her shoulder and nuzzled his mouth into her neck, kissing and sucking in a way that made her go hot and shaky all over,
    “ I can see Scorpio,” she said, trying to pretend she wasn't going crazy inside. “And Cassiopeia.” Her breath caught and her eyes fluttered closed as Sam's teeth closed over her earlobe followed by a soft flick of his tongue against the tender skin.
    Before Sam, she'd never known it could feel so good to have her neck and ears kissed. She sighed and arched her neck back to give him better access.
    “ I know where you can find the Big Dipper,” he murmured and pulled her hand down to the front of his jeans.
    “ Stop it,” she said in an embarrassed whisper and snatched her hand away. Still, the feel of him, the hot, hard thickness of him felt seared into her palm.
    Sam let out a low chuckle and pushed her down into the blanket. He kneed her legs apart and settled in between, fitting him to her so she could feel him there, hot and hard. He rocked his hips, making her gasp at the friction.
    His mouth covered hers, his tongue thrust between her lips to slide against hers. Carla threaded her fingers through his thick, dark hair and drank him in. There was nothing she didn't love about kissing Sam.
    Unlike the other boys she'd fooled around with before, Sam knew exactly what he was doing with his lips and tongue. Maybe it was because he was three years older.
    Or maybe it was all the experience he'd had up until now...
    She sucked his tongue into her mouth and shoved the thought from her mind. Sam was with her now, as he had been from the second night the summer employees had shown up for work at the Lake Mead Resort and Marina.
    Carla had seen the way all the other girls had looked at him. She knew he could have taken his pick. But from the moment she'd arrived he'd set his sights on her. Carla had known him both by reputation and through his friendship with her cousin Chris, but until this summer Sam O'Connell had barely given her the time of day.
    But now...
    A little sound of pleasure escaped her throat as she felt Sam rub right up against her most sensitive spot. She widened her knees and rocked back, feeling a thrill shoot through her at his answering groan.
    “ One of these nights,” Sam said between soft, sucking kisses, “you're going to let me do this with your clothes off.”
    A wave of heat rushed through her at the thought of them naked, skin to skin. The tense knot of need between her legs pulled even tighter. God, it was so tempting. “Don't hold your breath,” she whispered.
    Sam let out a tortured sound that was half groan, half laugh. “A guy can dream, right?”
    It turned her on even more to know that Sam was dreaming about having sex with her. But as much as her body craved it, Carla knew she wasn't ready for it. Especially with a guy like Sam. She knew his reputation and didn't want to be just another in the long line of girls he'd nailed and forgotten.
    Though part of her was dying to give him everything he wanted, some small core of common sense cautioned her to keep this one part of herself guarded.
    But that didn't mean she couldn't have a damn good time as Sam showed her a thing or two he'd learned over the years.
    She slid her hands up the back of his t-shirt, moaning into his mouth as her fingers encountered hot, smooth skin shifting over hard muscle. She loved the feel of him
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