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Perfect for You

Perfect for You

Titel: Perfect for You
Autoren: Kate Perry
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your upstairs neighbor."
    " No ," Freya said—immediately and forcefully.
    "Why not? He's super attractive, and he likes you."
    She shook her head. "Cavanaugh doesn't like me."
    "Yeah he does. Freya, he spent an entire day pruning roses with you. A guy doesn't do that for a girl he doesn't like."
    Her heart softened as she remembered that Sunday just after he'd moved in when he'd surprised her by joining her in the garden. They'd spent all morning and afternoon laughing, and he'd been funny and sweet and sexy. The sun had been shining but it'd been his warmth she'd basked in.
    Anna poked her. "Don't you remember how excited you were about him? You called to ditch me for dinner, for frick's sake, because you wanted to have dinner with him instead. That's telling."
    He'd offered to order pizza, and she'd jumped at the chance of being alone with him. Until she found out what he did for a living—the shock of it had been like a slap across the face. Even thinking about it now brought back the feeling of being duped and the bottomless disappointment.
    "And he keeps asking you out. He has been forever. Not to mention that he brought you tulips to plant in your garden, remember? Tulips are your favorite."
    "He just wanted something from me." She didn't know what, but she was sure he had an ulterior motive.
    "I can imagine what he wants." She grinned slyly. "Whenever he sees you he follows you with his eyes like he's imagining eating you whole."
    "That's because he's a shark. Cross him out."
    "Why? He's hot, and he wants you. Ask him out."
    "I don't trust him."
    "You don't know him."
    "He's a lawyer," Freya said flatly.
    " Oh ." Anna's eyes widened.
    She knew her sister would understand. No way could she cozy up to a lawyer—not after what had happened. She tensed just thinking about how her dad's lawyer had fleeced him.
    Her dad, a caring doctor, had freaked out when one of his former patients saddled him with a malpractice suit. But his lawyer swore the woman didn't have a case. The bastard had assured him of that right up until her dad was stripped of his license, his assets, and his dignity.
    After the final verdict, her dad been so distraught leaving the courthouse he'd crashed into a tree. The police said he and Mom had died instantly. In one afternoon, she and Anna had gone from being secure and loved to having nothing. Not even the house they'd grown up in, which went toward the massive legal fees.
    "Not all lawyers are like the one Daddy had," Anna said hesitantly.
    "No, but Cavanaugh is. He has a constant parade of petite blondes through his apartment." An exaggeration. She'd only ever seen one petite blonde traipsing up to his apartment, but the click-clack of her high heels had woken Freya up in the middle of the night more times than she could count.
    Probably his girlfriend. The cheating bastard. He couldn't really want her if he was dating someone else.
    "But—" Her sister shook her head. "Okay, if not Cavanaugh, what about the guy who just moved in downstairs?"
    "Him? No." Freya wrinkled her nose. Not that the new guy didn't seem cool. She'd run into him a few times in the couple months since he'd bought the downstairs unit and he was always friendly and polite. Nice. She shook her head. "Not my type."
    "So how are you going to find a hot guy?"
    "I'm taking out a personal ad."
    "Holy crap." Her sister sat up straight. "I can't believe it."
    "It's not a bad idea—"
    "Not a bad idea? It's frickin' fantastic!"
    Freya frowned. "It is?"
    "Hell yeah."
    She hadn't expected such an enthusiastic response. "Do you want to see it?"
    "You have it written?"
    "Eve wrote it this afternoon. Wait here and I'll get it." She returned to her bedroom a moment later with the notebook. "Here."
    "Whoa. Cool drawings." Brow wrinkled, Anna turned the pad sideways. "Is this position really possible?"
    Freya rolled her eyes. "The ad is on the next page."
    Her sister reluctantly turned the page. "A goddess, huh? I love it. It's so you." 
    "You think so?" She took back the notebook and slipped it in her robe's pocket.
    "Totally. It's great. I've been worried about you since you broke up with Brad. Not that I liked him—" she made a gagging face —"but you haven't even looked at another guy since and that's not natural."
    "This is a good thing." Anna opened her mouth and then shut it, looking unsure. She tugged on her straight brown hair and hesitantly said, "Sometimes I feel guilty, like if you didn't have the burden of
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