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Operation Date Escape

Operation Date Escape

Titel: Operation Date Escape
Autoren: Lindsey Brookes
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taller and even better looking, a lethal combination in her book. Without waiting for him to reply, she swiveled back around to face the bar before the sight of him sent her into drool mode right alongside her friend.
    Her attempt to avoid the hunky firefighter might have worked had it not been for the mirror that ran the length of the wall behind the bar. His dark eyes met hers and that make-your-legs-weak smile of his widened. Her mouth went instantly dry and her pulse rate kicked up more than a few notches, making her stiffen uneasily in her seat.
    Firefighter or not, he was a man. And it was a smile just like the one he was flashing around the bar that caused her several years of wedded misery. Warning bells were clanging loudly inside her head. Avoid this man at all costs!


    Despite the enthusiastic greeting the ‘perky’ blonde had given him, Cole Maxwell found his gaze drawn to the auburn-haired beauty seated beside her. The one whose emerald eyes watched him in the mirror from beneath thick, black lashes with both interest and caution.
    He found himself studying the delicate features that made up her face. Thickly lashed almond-shaped eyes. Pert little nose. Temptingly curved mouth. Something about the way she seemed to disregard him the moment their gazes met drew him in. Maybe it was the old ‘want what you can’t have’ adage. He wasn’t, nor had he ever been, a vain man, but he found himself wanting this woman to notice him.
    Much to his disappointment, she looked away, breaking their momentary connection. He had to remind himself of his reason for being there. To pick up sandwiches for the station. Not to pick up a petite package of sexiness. As if he had any chance of doing so if he’d wanted to. Unlike her friend whose interest was clear, the young woman who had caught his eye wasn’t showing any at all.
    Probably a good thing, seeing as how he wasn’t looking to start anything. He had just gotten out of a relationship. One that had ended for the same reason all his previous ones had. Women liked his being a firefighter in the beginning, but the fantasy quickly wore off when they had to deal with his work schedule and the risks that came along with his chosen profession. They all tried to change him, to convince him to become something he wasn’t. None had ever succeeded. Being a firefighter was a part of who he was and nothing was going to change that.
    “Do you come here often?” the busty blonde asked, her tone deliberately sexy.
    Not often enough , he thought as his gaze dropped down to her friend’s ring finger. Or in this case, ring-less finger. “On occasion.”
    “Well, I guess we might have to stop in here more often. Don’t you agree, Kelsie?” she said, giving her friend a nudge.
    Kelsie? Cole smiled. So that was her name. Different. Pretty.
    The petite redhead swiveled around slowly on her bar stool, her green eyes sweeping over him in a quick glance before focusing on her friend.
    Before ‘Kelsie’ had a chance to reply, the bartender came over. “Hey, Cole.”
    “Billy,” Cole replied with a nod, his gaze still fixed on the fiery haired pixie. “Our order ready?”
    “ Give me a sec. I’ll go check.” Turning, he disappeared into the kitchen.
    “Our order?” the blonde repeated with a sigh. “Why are all the good looking ones always taken?”
    “Nanci,” her friend gasped, her beautiful green eyes widening.
    Cole chuckled. “It’s all right. ” He didn’t mind the compliment. He just wished it had come from her instead. Hell, he’d settled for even just a hint of interest on her part. Not that he was looking to bring another female into his life. It was more of a male pride thing. “The order’s for the firehouse,” he explained.
    Unable to resist, he did a slow inspection, taking in the cherry red toenails peeking out from the strappy black sandals she wore. Faded blue jeans encased a narrow waist, one he could easily span his hands around. Smooth, creamy skin beckoned his touch from beneath the slender straps of the gauzy black summer top. And that auburn hair... Like the fires he fought it made him hot. The silken strands were clipped up behind her head, but several pieces had worked themselves free to hang in wisps along her face and neck.
    “So you’re a fire fighter?” her friend asked, dragging his attention away from the object of his interest.
    Cole nodded. “Worthington Fire Department.”
    “Do you guys really slide down
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