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Only 04 - Only Love

Only 04 - Only Love

Titel: Only 04 - Only Love
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    “Not yet,” she whispered, touching him tenderly again. “I haven’t memorized all of you yet. Let me…memorize you.”
    Whip didn’t know what to say, nor did he have any breath left to speak. Shannon was a living warmth enfolding him, a sigh and a caress and a tender, searching flame that set his body afire. Softly, wildly, she surrounded him, knowing him in ways he had never expected. Her loving was a sunrise sweeping across his very soul, illuminating more of himself than he could bear to see.
    Whip shuddered and fought for control when herealized that Shannon was making love to him as though it were the last time.
    She knows, Whip thought bleakly. Somehow she knows.
    Shannon’s name was dragged from his lips, but the word was unrecognizable. A sudden, violent ecstasy was raking Whip with claws of fire. He fought it even as he desired it, shaking with the wanting.
    When Whip could endure no more, he took Shannon down onto the rumpled blankets and buried himself inside her, trying to ease the bittersweet agony of her love for him. Yet even as he spent himself deep within her clinging heat, Whip wasn’t free of pain or knowledge. When he looked into her eyes he saw the desolate future; and when he kissed her, he tasted her intimate knowledge of him, a knowledge no other woman had ever wanted.
    Whip tried to speak but could not force words past the anguish and passion constricting his throat. He bent and began kissing Shannon’s hair, her forehead, her eyebrows, the curves of her ears, her cheekbones, her trembling lips. As he kissed her, he rocked gently within her, caressing her, leading her toward ecstasy, knowing her in a silence that seethed with all that had been and would not be again.
    With a rippling cry, Shannon gave herself to the ecstasy Whip had summoned. He smiled to feel the tender shuddering of her flesh around his…and he kept rocking against her. Gently, relentlessly, he moved within her even as ecstasy itself did, driving her higher with every powerful, restrained movement of his body.
    Shannon’s eyes widened as unexpected, intensepleasure speared through her. He moved again and again, rocking against her in primal rhythms, and each time he moved, her body answered with frightening intensity.
    A hoarse cry was dragged from Shannon’s throat and her nails dug into the rigid muscles of Whip’s back. Her body arched helplessly, shuddering with the violence of her release.
    Whip laughed and kept driving rhythmically into Shannon. His motions were both measured and fierce, demanding everything she had to give as a woman. Her whole body arched once more. Sharp, wild lightning surged through her until she cried out and simply clung to Whip, shaken by savage waves of ecstasy.
    Holding her, sheltering her, Whip took Shannon’s mouth as completely as he had taken her body, trembling even as she did, sharing the sweet fury of her release. When Shannon no longer shuddered with each breath, Whip began to move within her again.
    And again lightning raked her violently sensitive flesh.
    “Whip?” she asked, dazed, almost frightened.
    “It’s all right, honey girl. I just have to know.”
    “How high you can take me. Each time higher and then higher again.”
    “Me?” Shannon laughed brokenly. “You’re the one who—”
    Her words became a hoarse cry of pleasure as Whip put his arms behind her legs and surged forward, opening her to the full power of his body. Then he began to move deep within her, where ecstasy welled up hotly, endlessly.
    Whip’s name came from Shannon’s lips withevery broken breath, every wild cry, every shattering wave of pleasure driving through her, consuming her utterly.
    Deeply sealed within her, Whip held Shannon shivering and wild, letting her sink into him, through him, caressing him body and soul; and then an endless, rippling release raged through him, fusing him to her in an elemental union unlike anything he had ever known.
    Finally, slowly, Whip pulled away from Shannon. Saying nothing, he struck a match and lit the lantern that sat on a wooden box nearby.
    The sudden blossoming of light revealed two heavy saddlebags. A ragged tongue of gold spilled from one of them.
    Shannon looked, and knew without any doubt that she had lost Whip to the sunrise he had never seen.
    “Shannon, honey girl, I…”
    She shook her head, touched Whip’s mouth with her fingers, and watched him with eyes that held no tears. Tears come from hope,
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