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One (One Universe)

One (One Universe)

Titel: One (One Universe)
Autoren: LeighAnn Kopans
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Scully, how did you know exactly the sort of book trailer One needed? It was brilliant and perfect, and I won’t forget your kindness and enthusiasm while creating it. Thank you.
    To my first readers, Gina Ciocca, Maggie Hall, Jenny Kaczorowski, Marieke Nijkamp, Jessica Silva, A.K. Fontinos-Hoyer, Elizabeth Light, Amber Tuscan-Clites, and later readers Erica Chapman, Kat Ellis, Jani Grey, Abby Robertson, Cait Greer, Darci Cole, Sarah Blair, Angi Black, Naseoul Lee, Amanda Olivieri, Rachael Harrie, Deanna Romito, Emma Pass, and Valerie Cole, thank you for your incredible powers of critique, brainstorming, and encouragement. You all are rock stars.
    Brittany Howard, you gave One a chance when no one else in publishing was willing to. I’ll never forget it. Thank you.
    My street team is the best on the planet. All fifty-four of you came ready and willing to work, and work you did! From blog interviews to carting ARCs of One to local book shops to hijacking storefronts on Madison Avenue to tweeting and reviewing your butts off – you all were the groundswell that made One impossible to ignore. So, Rachel Simon, Stephanie Diaz, Michelle Smith, Olivia, Elyse G, Alex Brown, Nikki Diehm, Madison Louise, Rachel Solomon, Elizabeth Briggs, Tara Allen, Clare Davidson, Mark O’Brien, Jamie Krakover, Aimee Arnold, Morgan Hyde, Suzanne van Rooyen, Jolene Haley, Louise Gornall, Heidi Schulz, Leigh Caroline, Amber Mauldin, Samantha Sessoms, Raven, Ellie, Liz Lincoln, KK Hendin, Cassidy Monger, Sam Hager, Rachel O’Laughlin, Kaye M., J.C. Lillis, Caitlin O’Connell, Virginia Boecker, Tawney Bland, Helen Boswell, Jessica Ward, Paul Adams, Veronica Bartles, Louisse Ang, Catherine, Sarah Hudson, Carla Cullen, Becky Mahoney, Jessi Shakarian, Ashley Hufford, Hero London, Brianna Shrum, Lindsay Leggett, Sarah Wedgbrow, Dianne, Christine, Kelsey Macke, Chyna Ngie, Katalina Lee, Sarah Guillory, Joy Hensley, and Amy Zhang, thank you, thank you, thank you.
    To my husband, David – Thank you for never treating my writing like a silly little hobby. From day one, you’ve supported me, and it’s just one reason I love you.
    I love and appreciate you all so much more than the end pages of a book can express. So, one last time for good measure – thank you, thank you, thank you.

About the Author

    Raised on comic books and classic novels, Leigh Ann developed an early love of science fiction and literature. As an adult, she rediscovered her love for not only reading, but also writing the types of fiction that enchanted her as a teen.
    Leigh Ann, her husband, and four children live in Columbus, Ohio. When she’s not immersed in the world of fiction, you can find her obsessing over the latest superhero movie or using her kids as an excuse to go out for ice cream (again).
    Read on for a sneak peek at two incredible upcoming Young Adult novels - Ultraviolet Catastrophe by Jamie Grey, and Wavecrossed by Andrea Lynn Colt....

Ultraviolet Catastrophe
    by Jamie Grey
Available Fall 2013
    Chapter One
    You know your life is never going to be the same when your mom pulls a gun at the shopping mall. It started out as just another boring Saturday in August. Mom was tired of me moping around the house, so she dragged me out to spend the day shopping in the air-conditioned mall. About half of Columbus, Ohio, had the same idea.
    We pushed through the crowds gathered around the Cinnabon and I paused to inhale, but Mom tugged me away from the sweet, cinnamony goodness. “Let’s get some school shopping done,” she suggested, pointing at one of the anchor stores. “I know we have a few more weeks, but you need some new clothes.”
    I smoothed the front of my faded t-shirt and frowned. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”
    Mom shook her head, grabbed my sleeve. “Lexie, you look like you’re homeless. Look at the fraying at the hem. I’m going to get picked up for neglect.”
    “Moooom.” I brushed my bangs out of my eyes and gave her my puppy dog expression. Not a typical girl thing to admit, but I hated shopping with a fiery passion.
    She slung an arm around my shoulder. “Fine,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “But when they haul me away, it’s on your head.”
    “Ha ha. You’re so funny.” I let her lead me to the store anyway. If I was going to have to shop, at least Mom had pretty good taste. Even better, she usually paid for everything.
    She headed for a table full of pastel-colored polo shirts and I wrinkled my
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