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One Grave Less

One Grave Less

Titel: One Grave Less
Autoren: Beverly Connor
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Michaels is coming to visit us.”

Chapter 64
    Rain spattered against the huge double doors of the museum. The parking lot outside was covered by a thin sheet of water, creating a gray, watery appearance, like a lake on a cloudy day. Diane had closed the museum to the public. The only people coming in were staff looking for a shelter in the storm.
    Frank put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him.
    “I’ve always liked rainy days,” he said.
    “Me too,” said Diane. “But, I don’t know, it feels strange today, foreboding somehow.”
    “You think it might have something to do with what’s been going on?” he said.
    “I’m sure it does. I just can’t seem to shake the depression that’s settled over me.” Diane laid her head against his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here,” she said.
    “Me too.”
    “You know I love you,” she said.
    “I know,” he said. “I’m counting on it.”
    Diane laughed.
    “How is Star doing?” she asked.
    “She’s helping Andie wrangle kids in that cavern you call a ballroom,” he said. “She’s having fun.”
    A large dark SUV pulled up and parked near the door. Diane squinted to see through the gray film of rain. A figure got out of the driver’s side and made a dash for the door. Diane held it open. The man doffed his hat and hit it on his pant leg, knocking off the rain.
    “Damn, what weather,” he said.
    “Cameron,” said Diane, “it’s been a long time.”
    “Diane. Good to see you,” he said, attempting a smile. “This is like the rainy season in the Amazon.”
    Diane introduced him to Frank.
    “I wasn’t sure you got the message I was coming,” he said. “I went to your home, but the police were there. What was that about?”
    Diane explained the happenings of the last few hours. She tried to make the story briefer with each telling of it. Cameron listened with a serious, pensive expression.
    “And these mercenaries are after some kind of package?” he said.
    “Apparently. And I haven’t a clue as to what or where. I don’t even know if I’m looking for something as small as a ring box or as big as a refrigerator. But you need to get warm and dry. Let me take you downstairs,” she said.
    As she turned away from the doors, out of the corner of her eye she thought she caught movement deep in the gray mist where the tree line started. It was subtle. She wasn’t sure she saw anything. She turned her head and smiled at the guard on duty in the lobby. Chanell had told them to be vigilant. She didn’t repeat the warning.
    Diane took Cameron downstairs to the lounge where Gregory and Steven were talking and basking in the heat radiating from the fake electric fireplace. Fake or not, it looked cozy.
    The two of them rose from their chairs and greeted Cameron, shaking his hand.
    “Good of you to come,” said Gregory.
    “Nice to see you again,” said Steven.
    Cameron nodded. “I realized I needed to be a little more supportive. I’ve been kind of distant from all of you,” he said.
    “We appreciate your coming,” said Diane. “Let me get you some coffee. Are you hungry?”
    “Not hungry, but a cup of hot coffee, black, would be nice,” he said.
    Cameron took off his raincoat and gloves and his straw fedora. Diane thought he looked weary. There were dark circles under his eyes and his hands looked shaky as he handed her his coat. His eyes met hers and for a moment she thought he was looking for something in the depths of hers.
    Diane took his wet outer garments from him and laid the coat across the back of a chair and the hat and gloves on the glass table next to it. She poured him a cup of coffee from the pot in the corner, walked back over to where he had taken a seat by Gregory and Steven, and handed it to him. He warmed his hands on the hot mug.
    “How is Simone?” he said. “Gregory told me she was critical.” He took a sip of coffee. “I’d forgotten how good your coffee is, Diane,” he said.
    “Still in a coma,” said Diane. “We hope she is healing.”
    “I was sorry to hear about her. I confess, I don’t quite grasp what is going on,” he said.
    “Neither do we,” said Gregory, “but I’ll tell you what we know.”
    Gregory laid out everything to Michaels in his meticulous fashion, the rumors, the attack on Simone, and the attack on Diane.
    Diane didn’t really want to listen to the whole thing again. But she listened, hoping to hear something that would spark an idea, a memory. She glanced
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