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Murder Deja Vu

Murder Deja Vu

Titel: Murder Deja Vu
Autoren: Polly Iyer
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they’ll let anyone see him but his attorney. He won’t be in any mood for company even if they did.” She looked at Dana a long time. “Trust me on this, okay?”
    “What are you saying?”
    “Trust me.”
    The way Jeraldine said those two words didn’t invite further comment.
    “I need to talk to the police chief or the sheriff or anyone who can fill us in. Maybe I can talk to the DA. Clarence will find out about the crime Reece is accused of. My guess is they have shit connecting him to this murder. I’ll call you when I know something.” She waved a small notebook. “Wrote your number right here.”
    Dana’s stomach felt like a vise had grabbed hold and tightened. The prosecuting attorney for the district, including Harold County, was none other than Robert Minette.
    * * * * *
    D ana sat in her great room waiting. Two hours. Three. When she thought she couldn’t stand it another minute, the phone rang.
    “Can’t get him out today,” Jeraldine said. “The judge wants to study the case. There’s another problem. Clarence is going to—where is it, Clarence? Right, Corley. That’s where the girl lived and where the murder took place. I’ll call you later. Let’s have dinner. The Pine House dining room looks good.”
    “It is. What’s the problem?”
    “I’ll tell you at dinner.”
    “How is he? Can I see him?”
    The silence on the line lasted uncomfortably long. “He’s…he’s not ready for company. Not while he’s inside.”
    “Why? Why won’t he see me?”
    “We’ll talk tonight, okay? Honey?”
    “I know you want to go to him, but don’t. He won’t see you. Trust me on that, okay? Promise me?”
    Dana didn’t want to promise, but she did.
    “I’ll tell you why tonight. Clarence won’t be there, and you and I can have a long talk. He loves you, you know.”
    Dana’s breath caught in her throat. Did Reece tell her that? Did he actually say it?
    “Oh, by the way, I met your ex-husband. He’s an asshole.” Then Jeraldine hung up.

Chapter Ten
The Sleuth Sleuths

    C larence drove into Corley. He located the police station, a small brick building on the main street. One uniformed officer glanced in his direction, then shifted his focus to an older woman with a halo of tight curls framing a face creased by a suspicious frown.
    “What can I do for you?” she asked Clarence.
    “Like to talk to someone about the murder of Rayanne Johnson.”
    “That’d be Micah. He’s the chief of police.”
    When she didn’t say anything else, Clarence asked, “Where might I find Micah?”
    The man in the uniform walked toward him. “That’d be me.”
    Micah didn’t look like Barney Fife, but he didn’t look like Wyatt Earp either. Clarence took out a card and handed it to him.
    Micah looked at it. “Boston, Massachusetts, huh? Don’t tell me you came all the way down here to investigate a murder in Booniesville.”
    Micah mispronounced the name of the state like a lot of people did. Massatooshitts. Clarence pinched his chin. “Booniesville?”
    “Sure. Isn’t that what you big city guys think of us down here? Don’t deny it.”
    “Hadn’t given it much thought, Micah. This is just another job. Doesn’t matter where it is. Fact is, I come from a town in Missouri that’d make Corley look like a metropolis.”
    “Don’t say.”
    “Yup. Right in the middle of nowhere.” Corley’s chief of police probably thought he was bullshitting him, but he wasn’t. “Now what can you tell me about the murder?”
    “You working for the guy who done it?”
    “No, I’m working for the lawyer of the man wrongly accused.”
    “Don’t seem wrongly accused to me. We don’t get too many beheadings ’round here, and there he is, not thirty miles away, done it before.”
    “He was exonerated.”
    “Hmm, so I heard. But it sure is a coincidence, ain’t it? How many beheadings you ever heard about?”
    “I peg it for a copycat.”
    “Hmm, maybe. Have to be someone who knew about him, though, wouldn’tcha think? I remember the to-do about his buying property in Harold County, but I didn’t much remember the particulars. Doubt others did around here either. Looks like someone did, though.”
    “Yes, if it’s a copycat, then I suspect it would have to be someone who knew about him. Does narrow the field. Will you help me?”
    Micah hesitated. “What’d you want to know?”
    Clarence pulled out Reece’s picture. “Ever see this man around here before?”
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