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Modern Mind

Modern Mind

Titel: Modern Mind
Autoren: Peter Watson
Vom Netzwerk:
dullness’, 521, 680
blood transfusion, 147
boosterism, 210
Boxer Rising (China, 1898), 70
branes, 745
Brownian motion, 61, 95
Brücke, Die (movement), 55
bull cults, 251
business administration: education for, 78–80
business-cycle theory, 652
Cambrian Explosion, 686
cancer research, 658–62, 666, 700
canon (literary), 722–6, 732–3
capitalism: and alienation, 436; collapse foretold, 224, 293, 378; communist alternative, 294; and cooperation, 389; as creative haven, 767; and culture, 186–8; Daniel Bell on, 593–4; Orwell writes against, 288; and Protestant ethic, 46–7; static nature, 378; universal evolution towards, 753
carbon-14 dating
radiocarbon dating
catastrophe theory, 746–7
cathode rays, 21
Catholicism: and modernism, 53; resists scientific revolution, 67–9; values, 46–7;
see also
cave paintings (prehistoric), 368–70
cavity magnetron, 366, 392
cellophane, 343
celluloid, 97
Cepheid stars, 182
ceremonies of the whole, 30
CFCs, 586
chaoplexity, 746–7, 764
chaos theory, 746
chemical bond, 266, 268, 343–4
chemistry, 96, 266–7
childhood: understanding of, 77–8, 498–500
chimpanzees: studied, 608–9, 611, 618
Christianity: as ‘absolute religion’, 753–4; Christopher Hill on changes in, 603–4; and discovery of Dead Sea scrolls, 574–5; ‘Five Fundamentals’, 207; and Nazism, 314–15; opposition to evolution theory, 207–8; and other religions, 188; reaction to scientific revolution, 67–9, 575–8; and revisionist theology, 576–9; and secularisation, 604; and social principles, 381–2, 388; and transcendent truth, 472; and Vatican II, 579–80; worldwide spread of, 245;
see also
chromosomes, 114–15, 373–4;
see also
church-going, 603–4
films and cinema
cities: decline and rehabilitation in USA, 520–2, 680; Mumford on, 289
civil disobedience, 549
civil rights movement (USA), 391, 523–4, 528–9, 551, 753
class (social), 284–6, 448–9, 451
climate: human influence on, 586
cloning, 614–16
code-breaking (wartime), 361–4
Cold War, the, 410, 444, 474, 481, 507, 517, 538, 591
colloids, 344
colonialism, 714–15
Colossus (calculating machine), 364–5
communism: collapse of, 753; and Cuban missile crisis, 517; French intellectuals embrace, 412–13; ideology of, 632; repression under, 539–44; US suppression of, 434; Western attitudes to, 292–4, 386–7; world spread of, 517;
see also
computers, 363–5;
see also
Confucianism, 69–71, 178–9
Consciousness I, II and III, 583–4, 586
consciousness studies, 701–3, 746, 756
consilience, 692, 768
constructivism, 68, 166
consumerism, 444–6
continental drift, 122–4, 553–4, 570
contraception, 428–9, 526
corporations (business): and planning, 590–2
correspondence (in quantum physics), 259
cosmetic surgery, 147
cosmic rays, 508
cosmic string, 741
cosmological constant, 265
counter-culture, 537, 594–8
‘Big Bang’ theory; universe
crisis theology, 576
critical mass (nuclear fission), 396
critical theory, 226
criticism (literary), 347, 465–6
Cubism, 63, 129, 131
cults and sects, 603–4
Cultural Left, 467
Cultural Revolution (China), 539–40
cultural studies (and culture wars), 716–35, 768
culture: Blooms’ attack on decline of, 720–3; cross-over, 769; Snow-Leavis ‘two-culture’ debate, 467–70; tradition and levels of, 450–3, 466–7, 470, 706;
see also
cuneiform writing, 249
cyberspace, 738
cytosine, 480
Dada, 161–4
Darwinism: and pessimism, 38; Social, 40–4, 47–8, 60, 113, 122, 136, 241, 244, 246, 318–21, 453;
see also
dating methods
dendrochronology; potassium-argon method; radiocarbon dating
DDD), 582–3
Dead Sea scrolls, 574–5
decolonisation, 460
deconstruction, 627, 631–2
degeneration, 38, 43–5, 53, 606
democracy, 753–4
demythologising, 576–7
dendrochronology, 252–3, 563, 565
dinosaurs: extinction of, 686–8
direct analysis, 663
dissonance (musical): emancipation of, 56
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): and cloning, 614–16; deep geometry of, 748; discovery of structure of, 374, 478–81; and genetic fingerprinting, 682–3; and human inequalities, 697; mitochondrial, 689; and origins of life, 684;
see also
nucleic acid
domestication: of animals and plants, 752
dominant traits (genetics), 19
double bind, 502
double-helix, 480, 614–15;
see also
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), 113–15
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