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Mine for Eternity [Council Enforcers] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Mine for Eternity [Council Enforcers] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Mine for Eternity [Council Enforcers] (Siren Publishing Classic)
Autoren: Keyonna Davis
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was, but Mitch refused to claim her without her knowing everything. He wanted her to choose him because she was in love with him and wanted to spend her life with him. Not because the mating bond forced her. Shifters lived a long life. They weren’t immortal, but they could live forever barring a tragic accident or someone killing them. Once the mating bond was in place, his mate’s life span would change to fit his. An eternity of Tessa hating him because he had forced a decision on her was something he couldn’t even consider. The decision had to be hers, Mitch just had to be delicate about the situation and make her see that not all shifters were bad before he revealed himself to her.
    In order to do that, he had to get Tessa to open up and tell him everything she saw that night. She had to trust him so that they could move forward. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Tessa was standing there looking flushed from playing outside with Nico. He had to hold back his grimace as he adjusted himself under his desk. What he wouldn’t give to sniff her at that moment. He bet she smelled like sunshine. It was his favorite scent, but combined with his mate’s scent, he bet it smelled heavenly.
    He didn’t realize he hadn’t answered Tessa’s knock until she frowned. “Yes.” He cleared his throat, unable to say more than that.
    Tessa hesitated. “Uh, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but Nico got a little hungry. I was wondering if it would be okay if I could fix him some lunch.”
    “You didn’t have to come in here and ask me that. You and Nico are welcomed to anything in this house. I want you to treat it like your own.” He didn’t say it was already hers. Mitch didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. “In fact, I’m done here. I’ll join you.”
    Mitch stood and walked over to Tessa. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her toward the kitchen. A purr rumbled in his chest as he subtly leaned over and sniffed his mate. He had been right about her scent. It was the best thing he and his lion had ever smelled. It took all his strength to keep walking and not throw her against the wall and fuck them both into exhaustion. The only thing that kept him from making the biggest mistake of his life was Nico’s giggles as the boy amused himself with his shoestrings.
    “Come on, buddy.” He picked Nico up as an excuse to put a little distance between him and his mate. “Momma says you’re hungry. Let’s get you fed.”
    Nico squealed, which seemed to be something he did fairly often. What surprised Mitch the most though was his lion. If Mitch had been in his shifted form at the moment, he had no doubt his lion would be in a play bow, eager to pounce and play with Nico. It was shocking because his lion did not play. Even when they were kids, his lion was content to lie in the sun and nap the day away. As adults, if they weren’t lounging, they were working. It was what made them such good enforcers. Now, his lion was ready to pounce and tussle with his cub. “Like I said, house cat,” Mitch murmured under his breath.
    The silence was comfortable as Tessa helped him get lunch ready. They made simple sandwiches, but the way they worked and moved smoothly around each other, it was like they had been making meals together for years. As they prepared the food, Mitch had to wonder why he ever preferred to be alone. Because we didn’t have our mate. He knew his lion was right. Mitch didn’t think the simple act of preparing food would have been as much fun with anyone else. Now Mitch had his mate and a cub. He looked forward to spending the rest of his days cooking together with them.
    As he ate lunch, Mitch was determined to enjoy as much time with his new family as possible because he knew the coming days would be the hardest he ever had to deal with. Not only did Mitch have to find a rogue stalking his mate, but if his gut was correct, he was about to open a can of worms with the council and he had no idea how deep that can was. It must be done to protect our mate and cub. He and his lion were on the same page about that.
    * * * *
    Tessa’s bare feet stung as she ran as fast as she could. Her throat and chest burned whenever she tried to take a breath, but she kept on running. She had no choice. The monster had somehow found her again, and now she was running not only for her life, but Nico’s as well. Tessa didn’t know how long she had been running through the strange
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