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Love Without You

Love Without You

Titel: Love Without You
Autoren: Jennifer Smith
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that they would induce on the following Monday. That was on Thursday so they just had the weekend to go so at least they knew she they would have a baby. They chose not to find out what the sex of the baby was so they still didn’t know if it was a girl or boy. That would be a surprise to.
    They were having dinner on Friday night when the contractions started but they decided they were so far apart that they wouldn't call the doctor until they were closer together. They waited and called Brenda and told her to come that it would be soon. Within the hour they called the doctor and as they were going out the door Jessica’s water broke and she was definitely in labor. Tonight was finally the night they would get to see their baby and they were so excited. Josh’s parents would also meet them at the hospital. It was a first for all the grandparents and Jessica couldn’t help but think about her Dad and wished he was there tonight to be with Brenda.

Chapter 8 - You Reap what You Sow!
    It wasn't long before they got their wish. It only took four hours of labor for Jessica before Alexandria Kendal was born and had won the hearts not only of her parents but of her grandparent’s as well upon the first breath of her body. Her grandparents on Josh’s side cried when she was born. And Jessica, Josh and Brenda all cried. It was an emotional day and all of them were glad it was over. Jessica would be staying in the hospital with Josh till the next day and then she would get to go home with Alexandria. Josh couldn't get over how beautiful Alexandria was and how much she looked like Jessica. Everything had gone great with Jessica having the baby she was just tired so everyone was relived about that. Jessica planned on sleeping now when Alexandria went to sleep and so did Josh.
    The next day Josh and Jessica took their little miracle home. She was definitely a miracle and a pretty one too. Brenda came over that day and helped out with fixing lunch and dinner and of course holding Alexandria.
    Alexandria was a happy baby and not a crier. She didn't get to upset except when she needed to be changed or was hungry. Other than that she slept or just laid there and sucked on her fist. She wouldn’t take a pacifier but loved her fist and would make lots of noises with it. As she got a little older she would lie in her crib and make noises like she was talking to herself. Someone was always talking to her so she was around adults all the time. By the time she was toddling around she was talking and saying real words. She was a beautiful little thing that thought the sun rose and set in her Mama and Daddy. Her hair was blonde and she had blue eyes and if you looked hard enough at her you could see Jessica looking back at you. She was so tiny she was still in petite clothes and in some preemies until she was almost two years old. She wasn't malnutrition she was just a tiny person but cute as a button.
She and Jessica and Josh were inseparable and they took her everywhere with them, whether they went on bike rides or whether they went to the store.
    She didn't know any children her age but if she wasn't with her parents she was with Brenda so by the time it was time for her to start to school she was very smart and had a very vivid vocabulary and could also read. Brenda and Jessica had taken special care to help Alexandria learn to read. The teachers were impressed and Josh and Jessica were proud parents.
    They finally got to build the dream house on their property Jessica’s Dad left them. It was everything they had ever thought about having and as a special treat they build a Mother in Law Suite attached to the house for Brenda. She sold her house and moved in with Jessica and Josh. It sat up on a hill close to the beach and you could hear the ocean from any part of the house. It was a real beauty and had everything they wanted. Jessica knew her Dad would have been pleased.
    Josh had gone on to school and gotten a degree in architecture so he did a lot of the pans for the house and understood what was going on when they were building it. Jessica never went back to work. She stayed home with Alexandria after that.
    When Alexandria started to school Jessica found out she was pregnant again. This time they hoped for a boy and they got it. Thomas Jay was born and they were one big happy family. Alexandria took good care of her baby brother and wanted to hold him all the time. She would rock him long periods of time and sing to
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