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Love for Sale

Love for Sale

Titel: Love for Sale
Autoren: Jill Churchill
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certainly a respectable member of the community. She’d be good company, and they could use the extra income. Lily also suspected that Mrs. Tarkington was lonely living all by herself.
    As the older woman was leaving, Lily said, “I’ve had another thought I’ve been meaning to share with you. If Miss Langston doesn’t ever return, you might consider Mrs. Roxanne Anderson as a replacement. She’s well educated and good with children. Almost all of her work on the vegetable garden is seasonal—a late-spring-to-early fall job. She’d have the summer off to work on it. She probably needs a job, and her own children would be right there in the school with her.”
    Mrs. Tarkington smiled broadly. “I should have thought of her. Not that you and your brother aren’t doing an excellent job. That’s a good suggestion. Thank you, Miss Brewster.”

Chapter 24

    When Mrs. Tarkington had left, Lily asked Mrs. Prinney when dinner would be ready. “Do I have time to make a phone call?“
    “Twenty minutes.“
    “I only need five.”
    Miss Jurgen had given Lily her phone number so they could set times when Lily could take some basic lessons in needlework. She put the call through.
    Introducing herself, she asked, “I just wondered if you’re all right?“
    “I can’t speak freely because the girl at the exchange is probably listening,“ Miss Jurgen said. “The man just came to tow my car—the only one in the garage.“
    “I see. Would you feel more comfortable here for a couple of days?”
    Miss Jurgen laughed. “No. There are no automobiles in the garage now for someone to ‘borrow,’ and I’ve installed locks on the doors. I’ve had the hardware for nearly a year and it seemed a good time to use it.“
    “Good idea. I forgot to give you our number. I suppose the girl at the exchange knows it. Let me know when we can get together.”
    Neither of them sneezed but someone did. Lily and Miss Jurgen said their good-byes and rang off.
    There were three girls who handled the telephone exchange, and all but--one of them always listened in for gossip. They traded off shifts and you never knew if you had one of the snoops or the nonsnoop, since their voices were so much alike. Sometimes the snooping was a good thing. If you had an emergency, the girls usually knew where the chief of police or Dr. Polhemus was.
    Over dinner, Lily told everyone about Mrs. Tarkington’s visit.
    Mrs. Prinney was delighted. “How nice it would be to have a woman around my age to visit with.“ Then added as an apology, “Not that Lily, Phoebe, and Mimi aren’t wonderful young women and delightful company for me.“
    “I thought we should charge her about twice what Phoebe pays for her room. Maybe even a little more. It’s much larger and on the second floor, with two empty rooms on each side.“
    “Which room do you mean?“ Robert asked. “The one I think was Great-great-aunt Flora’s, or whatever relation she was. The one with the enormous canopy bed.”
    Robert groaned. “We don’t have to haul that monster out, do we?“
    “No, she wants the other pieces out so she can bring her own favorite furniture along with her, but she likes the bed. She wants to have the bath painted a nicer color.“
    “Who could blame her?“ Robert said. “I looked in there once and it’s worse than being in the basements.“
    “I think we should take a vote, if that’s all right, Mr. Prinney. Of course, it’s really up to you.“
    “No,“ he said. “Someday this will be your house entirely. I’ve only met Mrs. Tarkington two or three times at church and found her an admirable woman. I vote yes.“
    “Me, too,“ Robert and Mrs. Prinney said at the same time.
    Phoebe looked surprised. “I’m only a boarder. I shouldn’t have a vote, should I?“
    “I think from now on, everybody who lives here must have a vote,“ Lily said. “We all have to live together, eat together, and get along well. And the vote has to be unanimous. Mimi?“
    “Mrs. Tarkington wasn’t the principal when I was at school. She was a teacher and I liked her ever so much. I say yes.”
    The vote was unanimous as Lily expected. She said, “We were both being terribly canny when we talked. Neither of us committed. She may have changed her mind.“
    “I hope not,“ Mrs. Prinney exclaimed.

    Lily contacted Mrs. Tarkington right after they finished dinner. “Everyone agreed enthusiastically that we’d love you to live here. Our charge
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