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Live and Let Drood

Live and Let Drood

Titel: Live and Let Drood
Autoren: Simon R. Green
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hiding for a long time,” said Emily. “We have many enemies. Nothing else would have kept us from you.”
    “You don’t trust the family?” I said.
    “Do you?” said the Regent. “Your uncle Jack and I have been discussing this, Eddie, and we’ve come up with an idea. You’ve done all you can for the Droods, and a lot of thanks you’ve got for it. It’s time to strike out on your own. Come with us. Join the Department of the Uncanny. Make a new home for yourself and a new family. Your real family.” He smiled at Molly. “You come, too, and find out what really happened to your parents.”
    Molly looked at me. “What do you think, Eddie?”
    I smiled. “I think that…is a really interesting idea.”

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