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Lean In

Lean In

Titel: Lean In
Autoren: Sheryl Sandberg
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chapter 9 , Sandberg blasts the myth of “having it all,” or even “doing it all,” and points to a poster on the wall at Facebook as a good motto: “Done is better than perfect.” ( this page ) What perfectionist attitudes have you dropped in order to find contentment?
        17. Sandberg and her husband have different viewpoints about parenting: She worries about taking too much time away from their kids, while he’s proud of the time he
spend with them. Would it help women to adopt an attitude more like his?
        18. In chapter 10 , Sandberg discusses how the term “feminist” has taken on negative connotations. Do you consider yourself a feminist? Why?
        19. Discuss this assertion: “Staying quiet and fitting in may have been all the first generations of women who entered corporate America could do; in some cases, it might still be the safest path. But this strategy is not paying off for women as a group. Instead, we need to speak out, identify the barriers that are holding women back, and find solutions” ( this page ).
        20. In the book’s final chapter, Sandberg talks about the need to work together to create equality—to allow women to thrive in the workplace, and to allow men to participate proudly in the home and child rearing. What steps can you take right now to begin to make this happen?
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