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Killing Kennedy

Killing Kennedy

Titel: Killing Kennedy
Autoren: Bill O’Reilly
Vom Netzwerk:
John Nance
    Georgia, University of
    Giancana, Sam
    Goldwater, Barry
    Goodwin, Richard
    Goulet, Robert
    Graham, Billy
    Grant, Ulysses S.
    Greer, William
    Gromyko, Andrei
    Hannah, John A.
    Harding, Warren G.
    Harrison, William Henry
    Hatfield, Robert Edward
    Hayes, Rutherford B.
    Hemingway, Ernest
    Herter, Christian
    “Hidell, A. J.” (Oswald alias)
    Hill, Clint
    Historic Automotive Attractions Museum
    Hobson, Valerie
    Holden, William
    Hoover, J. Edgar
civil rights leaders and
Jack and
Jack’s assassination and
Monroe and
    Hosty, James, Jr.
    Hudson, Bill
    Hughes, Sarah
    “Irish Mafia”
    Jackson, Mahalia
    Jackson, Michael
    Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall firm
    Jefferson, Thomas
    John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
    Johnson, Lady Bird
    Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Bay of Pigs and
Bobby and
civil rights and
Cuban missile crisis and
death of
FBI and
Jack’s assassination and
Jack’s inauguration and
Memorial Day address of
personality of
presidency of
presidential ambitions of
Secret Service and
Senate career of
sworn in as president
Texas trip and
Time and
travels to Beirut
travels to Thailand
travels to Vietnam
as vice president
Vietnam War and
    Joint Chiefs of Staff
    Joseph Kennedy Jr., USS (destroyer)
    Justice Department
    Keeler, Christine
    Kellerman, Roy
    Kennedy, Arabella (daughter)
    Kennedy, Caroline (daughter)
    Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette
    Kennedy, Edward M. “Teddy” (brother)
    Kennedy, Ethel (sister-in-law)
    Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier “Jackie” (wife)
Bay of Pigs and
Camelot image and
Cape Cod and
childhood and youth of
children and family life and
Churchill and
Cuban missile crisis and
Dallas trip and
death of
death of son Patrick and
de Mohrenschildt and
finances and
Garbo and
Jack’s affairs and
Jack’s affair with Monroe and
Jack’s assassination and
Jack’s birthday and
Jack’s funeral and
Jack’s inauguration and
Jack’s memory and
King and
later life of
LBJ and
marries Onassis
miscarriages and
Mona Lisa and
personality of
popularity of
pregnancy of
relationship with Jack
Secret Service and
Sinatra and
smoking and
travels to France
travels to Greece
travels to India and Pakistan
White House entertaining and
White House renovation and
White House schedule and
White House TV tour and
    Kennedy, Joan (sister-in-law)
    Kennedy, John, Jr. (son)
death of
    Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
affairs and
affair with Campbell
affair with Monroe
Air Force One décor and
appearance of
Arlington grave of
assassination of
assassination of, and conspiracy theories
Bay of Pigs and
Berlin and
birthdays of
Bobby and
body flown to Washington
brothers and
Camelot image and
Castro and
challenges of presidency and
childhood and youth of
children and family life and
Churchill and
civil rights and
Cronkite interview of
Cuban missile crisis and
daily schedule of
Dallas arrival of
Dallas motorcade route of
death of, announced
death of brother Joe and
death of son Patrick and
Diem assassination and
Dulles fired by
early assassination attempts on
Eisenhower and
elected to Congress
election of 1960 and
election of 1964 and
enemies of
father and
finances of
funeral of
Garbo and
health problems of
Hoover and
inauguration of
Jackie’s pregnancy and
Jackie’s relationship with
Jackie’s trip to Greece and
Jackie’s White House tour and
King and
last White House dinner of
LBJ and
Lincoln and
Mafia and
Mona Lisa and
Montana speech and
naval intelligence and
nuclear test ban and
Oswald targets
personality of
popularity of
Powers and
Profiles in Courage and
Profumo and
PT-109 and
religion and
Secret Service and
Sinatra and
State of the Union address by
swimming and
tax cuts and
Teddy’s Senate campaign and
Texas trip planned for
Time and
travels to France
travels to Ireland and Germany
UC-Berkeley speech by
Vietnam and
West Virginia primary and
White House staff of
World War II and
    Kennedy, Joseph, Jr. (brother)
    Kennedy, Joseph P. (father)
    Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier (son)
    Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby” (brother)
assassination of
as attorney general
Bay of Pigs and
bond with Jack
Cape Cod house of
CIA and
civil rights and
Cuban missile crisis and
Hoover and
inauguration and
Jackie and
Jack’s affairs and
Jack’s assassination and
LBJ and
Lincoln assassination and
Mafia and
Monroe and
presidential ambitions of
    Kennedy, Rose (mother)
    Khrushchev, Nikita
Bay of Pigs and
Berlin Wall and
Cuban missile crisis and
Stalin and
trip to U.S. and
    Khrushchev, Yefrosinia
    King, Coretta
    King, Martin Luther,
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