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Irish Literature - House of Mourning and Other Stories

Irish Literature - House of Mourning and Other Stories

Titel: Irish Literature - House of Mourning and Other Stories
Autoren: Desmond Hogan
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“Lark’s Eggs” were first collected in Lark’s Eggs: New and Selected Stories , published by the Lilliput Press, Dublin, 2005.
    “Shelter,” “Iowa,” “Belle,” “Little Friends,” “Red Tide,” “Sweet Majoram,” “The Hare’s Purse,” “The House of Mourning,” “Essex Skipper,” and “Old Swords” were first collected in Old Swords and Other Stories published by the Lilliput Press, Dublin, 2009.
    “Wooden Horse” originally appeared in The Stinging Fly 2:22, summer 2012.
    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Hogan, Desmond, 1951-
[Short stories. Selections]
The house of mourning and other stories / Desmond Hogan. -- First edition.
pages ; cm.
ISBN 978-1-56478-855-9 (pbk. : acid-free paper)
I. Hogan, Desmond, 1951- Last time. II. Title.
PR6058.O346H68 2013
    Partially funded by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency
    ISBN 978-1-564-78980-8 (e-book)

Cover: design and composition by Mikhail Iliatov
Printed on permanent/durable acid-free paper
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