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Honored Vow

Honored Vow

Titel: Honored Vow
Autoren: Mary Calmes
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his face in it, inhaling deeply.
    “I always know I’m okay when your hair is in my face and I can
    smell you all over me.”
    “Logan,” I said breathlessly. “Promise me.”
    “I will never, ever leave your side again. I swear it.”
    I was holding him to that.
    “I need you… closer,” he almost snarled, but it was low, frustrated,
    not menacing in any way. He was uneasy.
    “What’s wrong?” I asked gently.
    He shook his head.
    “Talk to me.”
    But he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, say what was troubling him.
    “You need something more?”
    His eyes lifted to mine.
    “What do you need?” I stared into all that gold. “To claim me?”
    His thick gold brows furrowed, and I started to have a flicker of
    “Do you need to know that you’re mine?”


    Mary Calmes

    “Yes,” he said, his voice breaking with relief that I understood.
    “Shall I show you?”
    He wasn’t sure what I meant.
    “Do you trust me?”
    “Of course.”
    I rose then, walked to where my things were, and returned, lube in
    hand. I could tell just from the subtle change in his gaze that he
    understood. I recognized the uncertainty on his face, but he didn’t give
    voice to it, and I was touched by the depth of his faith in me. “Will you
    give yourself over to me, to my care?”
    He took a quick nervous breath and nodded.
    I had done it in the past, topped other lovers, but never had it meant
    anything to me, having been instead something that was asked of me that I
    had simply complied with. It was not instinctive for me; I was built
    emotionally and mentally to be submissive, but that didn’t mean I had to
    be. And this was my mate who had asked with beseeching eyes to be
    claimed. We were men first, but we were also animals, and because of
    that, sometimes words were not enough to mend the soul. Sometimes it
    required action and the joining of flesh.
    Logan always gave so much of himself to me—love, compassion,
    whatever I needed, he provided—and now I wanted to return to him and
    do for him as he had always done for me.
    Slowly, carefully, I untied the drawstring on his pants, and when I
    tugged on them, he lifted so I could slide them off. Immediately, I bent
    and took the tip of the flared head of his cock into my mouth.
    “Jin.” He shivered, inhaling my scent, the flood of pheromones
    rolling through him, soothing and arousing at the same time.
    As I took in more and more of him, inch by inch, sucking, licking,
    nibbling, I heard him call my name many more times. I slid my hand up
    his chest, pushing him down with gentle pressure until he was flat on his
    back making groaning, whimpering noises that left no doubt that he had
    given himself completely to me, to whatever I wanted to do.
    His cock popped out of my mouth at the same time I lifted his knee,
    showing him what I wanted. He bent them both as I opened the tube and
    squeezed the icy liquid into my palm. Before I coated my fingers, I rubbed
    it in my hands, warming it, and then leaned over and took his cock down

    Honored Vow


    the back of my throat. Normally it was Logan preparing me, loving me,
    making me burn with need for him. I realized in that instant how deeply I
    wanted him, the craving to make the man mine almost overwhelming. And
    I knew that it was the same for him, because I had felt it when he made
    love to me, every single time.
    My name was a hoarse whisper as I slid up and then sank down,
    sucking his cock hard, his hand in my hair as he moved it aside so he
    could watch.
    Tenderly, I slid the tip of a finger around his furled entrance. He
    tensed, but he didn’t pull away, and as I swallowed the long, hard, thick
    length of him, tasting precome before my cheeks hollowed out with the
    force of the suction, I felt him relax against my tender onslaught. I used
    my other hand to stroke his balls, lift and play with them, and he
    whimpered as I pushed inside. He was so tight; never had the man been
    breached before, and I was determined to reward his trust in me even as I
    marveled at the faith.
    His muscles pulled me deeper inside, and as I pressed forward and
    up, curling my middle finger, I felt him shudder.
    “That feels so good.”
    I smiled around his pulsing shaft and eased out slowly before adding
    a second finger, going just as slowly as I had the first time, this time
    making measured circles, pushing in, easing out, over and over, pegging
    his gland, and finally scissoring my fingers apart as he began to
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