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Grand Passion

Grand Passion

Titel: Grand Passion
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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that group of seminar attendees had all had too much to drink and were probably sound asleep. When I reached the lobby, George was also asleep, just as he had been when I'd left. I went to Valence's room, and it was empty.”
    “So he came to my room,” Sylvia said. “He woke me up and told me to run down to the basement and throw the main circuit breaker while he climbed the stairs to the attic.”
    “I was hoping that having the lights go out without warning would throw Valence off stride for at least a few seconds,” Max explained. “I recalled how he'd reacted that time when he lost power during one of his seminars.”
    “I remember that,” Sylvia said thoughtfully. “He really got upset, didn't he? It disrupted his carefully orchestrated seminar.”
    “Earlier this evening when he checked in, he made a point of saying that there were no storms expected this weekend,” Cleo mused. “He probably had planned everything so that there would be no rain to put out the fire too quickly at Cosmic Harmony or cause a power failure.”
    “A real thorough kind of guy,” O'Reilly mused. He put his arm around Sylvia. “But not real flexible.”
    “I think that Valence had gotten so crazy that every little alteration in his schedule threw him into a turmoil,” Cleo said.
    A commotion out in the hall made Max and everyone else in the crowded room glance toward the door.
    “I'm afraid you can't go in there, sir,” a nurse said in a loud, authoritative voice. “Mr. Fortune already has far too many visitors.”
    “I came all this way to see Fortune, and I damn well intend to see him,” a man answered in a voice that was louder and more commanding. “I have business with him.”
    “But he's been seriously injured,” the nurse said.
    “He's used to it.”
    “Just what I needed,” Max muttered as a familiar figure came through the door. “Another well-wisher. What the hell do you want, Dennison? I'm not supposed to have any visitors. Just family.”
    Dennison Curzon had the same autocratic attitude Jason had had. He also had the same silver hair and the strongly etched features that characterized the rest of the Curzon family. But his eyes lacked the penetrating, analytical intelligence that had characterized Jason's gaze.
    Dennison swept the faces of the small group gathered around Max and dismissed them all. He glowered at Max.
    “What's going on here, Fortune? I hear you've gotten yourself shot again.”
    “I'm recovering nicely, thank you,” Max said. “Dennison Curzon, meet the family.”
    “Family?” Dennison's forehead furrowed in confusion and annoyance. “What family? You don't have a family.”
    “He does now,” Cleo said quietly. She kept her grip on Max's hand as she surveyed Dennison with a curious, searching look. “Jason was your brother?”
    “Yes, he was.” Dennison switched his attention briefly to her. “Who are you?”
    “My fiancée,” Max said before Cleo could respond. “Congratulate me, Dennison. Cleo and I are going to be married.”
    Dennison ignored the announcement and, with typical Curzon single-mindedness, zeroed in on his main target. “Listen, Max, we've got to talk.” He cast an irritated glance at Cleo and the others. “Do you think we could have some privacy around here?”
    “No,” Cleo said.
    Nobody made a move toward the door.
    Max grinned at Dennison. “Guess not.”
    “What the hell?” Dennison took a closer look at Cleo. “Who did you say you were?”
    “I told you, she's my fiancée,” Max said.
    “I am also Max's employer,” Cleo said crisply.
    “The hell you are.” Dennison stared at her. “Fortune works for Curzon International.”
    “No, he doesn't,” Cleo said. “Not anymore.”
    “He works for Cleo,” Sammy announced.
    Dennison scowled. “Now, see here, I am Dennison Curzon of Curzon International. Max Fortune has worked for my company for twelve years.”
    “I believe he resigned when your brother died,” Cleo murmured. “He now works for me.”
    “Quite right,” Daystar said in her no-nonsense way. “Max has been on the payroll of Robbins' Nest Inn for some time now. He's doing an excellent job.”
    “Yes, indeed. He's one of the family,” Andromeda said.
    “Bullshit.” Dennison looked at Max. “I don't know what game you're playing here, Fortune, but I need you at Curzon. My daughter and that damned husband of hers took over my board of directors yesterday.”
    “Kim will do a good job with Curzon,” Max
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