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Ghostwalker 08 - Street Game

Ghostwalker 08 - Street Game

Titel: Ghostwalker 08 - Street Game
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    A Jove Book / published by arrangement with the author PRINTING HISTORY
    Jove mass-market edition / January 2010


    Copyright © 2010 by Christine Feehan.

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    eISBN : 978-1-101-16291-0


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    For Mary Scriven, a woman who brings joy into my life each time I see her.
    Always keep your childlike joy of living.

    For My Readers

    Be sure to go to
    http://www.christinefeehan.com/members/ to sign up for my PRIVATE book announcement list and download the FREE e-book of Dark Desserts , a book of delicious desserts compiled by my wonderful readers. While at the website, join the community and all the book discussions! Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].
    I would love to hear from you.


    As with any book, many people helped to get it right. First and foremost, I have to thank Master Sergeant Retired Lloyd Stottsberry, a man who has dedicated his life to the service of his country. He would probably shoot me for calling him heroic, so I won’t, but you get the picture. His help was invaluable. Any mistakes are entirely mine.

    Many thanks to Brian Feehan, who has that mathematical and fiendish mind and always answers the call for murder-and-mayhem discussions. Domini, you know I’d never get a book out without you, and of course Kathi Firzlaff, who catches all the little things for me. Mason, thank you for the tips on skateboarding.

    And of course the book would not be complete without a special thanks to Dr.
    Christopher Tong, coeditor of the “state of the art” series Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design (volumes I, II, and III). He is currently developing The World Meeting Place, a Web 3.0 AI-based site aimed at enabling the world’s people to collaborate on solving the world’s problems. He has been a manager, consultant, teacher, and researcher at many well-known institutions including Rutgers, MIT, the 10

    IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, and Siemens Research. He lent me his assistance in learning how artificial intelligence works, and also spent many hours figuring out an AI encryption program. His help on this book was absolutely invaluable to me.


    The GhostWalker Symbol Details


    protection against
    evil forces

    the Greek letter psi, which is
    used by parapsychology
    researchers to signify ESP or
    other psychic abilities


    qualities of a knight—
    loyalty, generosity,
    courage, and honor

    shadow knights
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