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Ghost Time

Ghost Time

Titel: Ghost Time
Autoren: Courtney Eldridge
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it’s true, but I was just like, What’s your problem? She’s in a wheelchair and you’ve got a fat ass, so what? Then, out of nowhere, Mel goes, Woo hoo! Sixteen in leather boots! I almost fell on the ground, laughing. I can’t even remember the last time I laughed like that. Honestly.
    Anyhow, we looked at the mall map, and I cruised her around to the three places, and she chose the one she liked, then we went in and waited our turn. When the stylist came over, the one handed our appointment, she had jet-black hair—sort of like that guy from Flock of Seagulls, except one side of her head was shaved and she had a nose ring, and seeing, like, eight piercings in the ear on the shaved side of her head, I was just like, I’ve done some really crazy things, but I don’t think I could ever do that, but Mel goes, She’s perfect.
    So the girl, the stylist, whatever, comes over and she looks at Mel, saying, Hello! All singsong like people do when they see this poor girl in a wheelchair, right? I mean, I know they don’t mean to condescend, but it annoys me. I go, My sister wants her hair cut in a bob, and she leaned over, smiling at Mel, and she goes, What kind of bob? I go, Like Siouxsie Sioux, and the girl goes, “Spellbound”? And I go: Snap! And Mel goes, Told you. I go, You ready? And Mel goes—smart-ass, Mel goes, I was born ready. So I wheeled her over to the girl’s chair, and the woman unfolded a cape, then she wrapped it around Mel’s neck. I told her we could skip the wash, because it would be too hard in the wheelchair, so after the girl wet down Mel’s hair, I took Mel’s hand and squeezed, watching the stylist make the first cut, five inches of hair, falling to the floor.
    It took forever with the blowout, but when she finished, I was just like, Ohmygod, Mel, look at you! She looked so incredible, I was just, like, speechless. Looking at herself in the mirror, Mel goes, I can’t believe it’s me , and I go, It’s you—it’s the new you. And she goes, Thee, for the first time, I feel sixteen, not six! Youlook so gorgeous, I told her, and she said, Thee, we aren’t done yet. And I said, Makeup? And she said, Yes. But first, I want my ears pierced , and I go, Mel, no—. And she goes, Thea, I’m not a child—you told me your mom let you get yours pierced when you were eight! And I go, I know, Mel, but, and she goes, It’s my birthday, and I have a right to choose, don’t I?
    So I took her to the piercing place at the end of the mall. It was a shop that sold earrings, and the woman had a piercing station at the back. When she saw us, of course she assumed it was for me, and I go, No, it’s for her, and before she could say anything, I took out the money to pay her. I mean, the place was dead, she couldn’t say no, really. So she sterilized Mel’s ears with alcohol, and I go, You’re so brave, and held her hand while the lady put the gun to her ear—I think it hurt me more than it hurt her when he shot the stud through her lobe, and her entire body spasmed. She goes: Fine, I’m fine , and I was like, Oh, shit, Mel, you sure? And she goes—get this—she goes, Thee, don’t worry, I have a very high pain threshold. And then she started singing, I am the daughter and the heir….
    An hour later, Melody had a new hair cut, pierced ears, and professional makeup. I don’t know why the mall makeup artists always plaster it on, but anyhow. I took pictures, showing her on my phone, and then Mel goes, Ohmygod, I look so retarded! And I said, You look like me, and she said, I repeat , and I said, Hey, hey, it’s my birthday: be nice, and she said, I know. Sorry, now I’m acting like you. I put my phone away, rolling my eyes at her, and she goes, It’s just that I can’t focus my face, I can’t— , but I cut her off. I said, Mel, I can’t listen to this today. And you knowwhat? I said, leaning over the chair, looking at her upside down: You’re beautiful. She is—she’s so beautiful, and then I heard these voices—a voice in my head and a voice in my heart, saying, tell her, say it, and I opened my mouth to say, I love you, and then I heard this voice say, Girls. I knew before I turned around, but I still turned, and sure enough, this mall cop stepped up, and I knew we were busted. Mel knew, too, because she goes, Uh-oh , and the cop spoke into the walkie-talkie on his shoulder, and I go, Party’s over.
    He was one of those bland mall cops, a big guy, not quite overweight, with
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