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Titel: Flash
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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Olivia by his side, it would last.
    The annual Glow, Inc., picnic was a success. The smell of broiled salmon and roasted corn on the cob wafted across the crowded park. Pennants snapped from the colorful tents. Children dashed back and forth. Most were playing with samples of the newest product line from Glow's toy division: miniature instant-glow vehicles that looked as if they had been designed on another planet.
    On a stage decorated with hundreds of brightly lit Glow products, musicians dressed in jeans and boots pounded out lively country music.
    "It was kind of a relief to hear that you're going to marry Olivia, if you want to know the truth." Kirby looked at Jasper with serious eyes. "Paul and I have been a little worried about you lately."
    Jasper raised his brows. "Worried?"
    "It's not normal for a man your age to live alone," Kirby explained in knowledgeable tones. "And when you sold Sloan & Associates to Al, we were afraid that you might be having something more than a midlife crisis."
    Paul wrinkled his nose. "Kirby thought you were sinking into depression. I told him you were just bored. All you needed was a new goal in life. Looks like you found it."
    "Yes," Jasper said dryly, "I certainly did."
    Al Okamoto wandered over. He had two paper cups in his hands, one of which he offered to Jasper.
    "Thanks." Jasper took the cup. He looked down and saw that it held iced tea. "Having a good time?"
    "Great party," Al said. "Wouldn't have missed it for the world. So, when are you and Olivia going to get busy having kids?"
    Jasper looked at him. "Kids?"
    "Yeah, you know." Al held one hand out to indicate a low level on his leg. "Short little people who get bigger."
    "Al's right," Paul nodded soberly. "You'd make a great father. Just ask me or Kirby."
    "Yeah," Kirby said. "Think about it."
    Paul grinned. "You've probably got all those books you used that first year with me and Kirby still stored in the basement."
    Amusement gleamed in Al's eyes. "Don't take too long to make up your mind. After all, it's not like you're getting any younger, you know."
    "Thanks for pointing that out to me, Al."
    But when he looked at Olivia again, Jasper had a sudden vision of her holding an infant to her breast while she orchestrated a Light Fantastic production. He smiled to himself as he felt the rightness of it all envelope him.
    He and Olivia could do kids, he thought. Hell, they could do anything together.
    "When's the big announcement going to take place?" Al asked.
    Jasper glanced at his watch. "I believe Olivia has us scheduled to go on in about five minutes. We're part of the entertainment."

    "Come on, Olivia, give me something I can use," Andy urged. "I'm going to give you another great mention in
Hard Currency
    "I don't know what else I can tell you," Olivia said. "You got the press release."
    "All it said was that the two owners of Glow, Inc., would announce their engagement today at the annual company picnic. Big deal. I'm looking for the business angle. Is this a classic marriage of convenience made to strengthen the image of Glow, Inc., in the eyes of potential buyers or investors?"
    "No," Olivia said patiently. "This is not a business marriage. Glow, Inc., will remain a family-held company."
    "How do we know that?"
    Olivia glared at him. "You know, Andrews, I'm getting a little tired of your interest in my private life."
    Jasper came up behind her. He gave Andy a smile that held an unmistakable hint of warning. "No more questions from the press. This is supposed to be a party." He looked at Olivia. "I think it's time for our announcement."
    She made a show of glancing at the stage where the musicians had just ended a song. "It certainly is." She flashed a dismissing smile at Andy. "I'm afraid you'll have to excuse us."
    She allowed Jasper to take her arm and steer her toward the lighted stage.
    "Nice going," she said. "Your timing, as always, was excellent. I was just about to pour my iced tea over Andy."
    "I know. And although it's a tempting thought, I don't think it would have done the company image any good."
    "I suppose you're right," she said regretfully.
    "I'm always right when it comes to corporate matters. Heck, that's why I get the corner—"
    Olivia clapped her hands over her ears. "No, don't say it. I can't stand it."
    "The corner office with the big windows," he concluded as he guided her up the stage steps. "By the way, in line with our agreement to discuss major business decisions whenever possible
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