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Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies

Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies

Titel: Elemental Assassin 02 - Web of Lies
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I half-expected a couple of giant guards to follow the Despite the movements, he was totally focused on his sisman into the Pork Pit. Most of the rich folks in Ashland ter, as though she was the most important thing in the employed at least a couple, and this guy was definitely world to him. Maybe she was. He stared at the red welt wealthy, judging by his swanky suit and confident deon her cheek, and his hands curled into fists. I got the meanor. But the man entered alone. His light eyes swept distinct feeling he would love to have some alone time over the interior of the restaurant, pausing at the blood with Jake McAllister.
    spatters on the floor. After a moment, his gaze moved on When Eva finished her story, her big brother turned and settled on the two girls, who were packing up their his attention to me. For the first time, I felt the full force books to leave.
    of his gaze. Sharp, shrewd, calculating. Like looking into
    “Eva,” he said in a voice that rumbled like thunder. my own eyes. He walked forward and held out his hand.
    “Are you all right?”
    “owen Grayson.”
    Eva zipped up her backpack. “I’m fine, owen.”
    Well, the hits just kept on coming. First, Jake McAlThe man moved to stand beside her. He walked stiffly lister decided to grace my restaurant with his presence, but with purpose, like a bulldozer plowing through danand now owen Grayson had come to collect his sister. delions. “Tell me what happened.”
    I’d heard of him, of course. Grayson was one of the city’s
    “I said I was fine,” she repeated in an irritated voice, wealthiest businessmen. Mining, timber, metal manuas though they’d had this argument many times before. “I facturing. He had his fingers in a lot of money-making also told you there was no need to come down here. You pies. With his subdued suit and chiseled features, Graynever listen to me.”
    son didn’t have the ostentatious, deadly, in-your-face flash
    “I’m your big brother,” he said. “I’m supposed to of Mab Monroe, who enjoyed flaunting her status as the watch out for you.”
    city’s golden girl. Still, I knew power when I saw it—
    Big brother? Yeah, I could see that. Eva had the same elemental or otherwise. And owen Grayson had plenty. coloring as the thirtysomething man. Blue-black hair, Definitely someone worth watching.
    pale eyes, milky skin. It made her beautiful. Him too, in
    “Gin Blanco.”
    a cold sort of way.
    “Gin?” he asked.
    “Now, tell me what happened,” the man demanded
    “Like the liquor,” I quipped.
    owen Grayson’s eyes glittered at my wry tone, but I Eva rolled her eyes and launched into a recount of the still put my hand in his. Grayson’s fingers curled around Estep_Web of Lies_1P EP.indd 32-33
    12/17/09 9:32 PM
    Web of Lies 35
    my skin like thick ropes of kudzu. Hard, sturdy, and aloff her like water. Looked like something she ignored a most unbreakable. He might not be a dwarf, but there lot. Instead, Eva gave him a calm, calculating look. had to be some of the blood in his veins. only way to ex“You want me to have a bodyguard? Then hire her.”
    plain that kind of grip. Grayson glanced down at our enThe girl stabbed her finger at me. “Because she took out a twined hands and frowned, as though I’d static-shocked Fire elemental like it was nothing. And she cooks.”
    him or something. Maybe I had, because I felt a brief owen’s pale eyes swept over my body. Probably wonprick on my palm. dering how I’d had the strength, balls, or dumb luck to The sensation vanished, and I tightened my own grip, do that.
    just to show him I wasn’t easily intimidated. A small smile I’d taken a lot of dirty jobs in my time, but be a bodytugged up Grayson’s lips, as though he found my show of guard to a know-it-all college girl? I might have retired strength amusing. I gave him a cool stare. The hostility from being an assassin, but I hadn’t gone insane. “Sorry. must have flickered in my gray eyes because owen GrayMy dance card’s already full.”
    son let go first.
    owen nodded. “Job offer notwithstanding, you saved Eva Grayson watched the exchange with interest. So my sister’s life. I owe you. Name your price.”
    did her friend Cassidy. Sophia Deveraux had already reMy turn to roll my eyes. “I don’t want your money, treated to the back of the Pork Pit to start closing up the and I don’t need it.”
    restaurant for the night.
    His violet gaze flicked around the
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