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Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides

Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides

Titel: Drake Sisters 04 - Dangerous Tides
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warming him.

    "The sea reminds us we are only a small part of a much larger whole. The world doesn't revolve around us and we don't carry the responsibility of everything and everyone on our shoulders, which is a tremendous relief. We get so caught up in our lives that we began to think we're able to fix everything."
    She flashed him a small smile. "But then I also think the ocean is soothing because it's so incredibly beautiful."

    They slowly climbed the stairs toward the top. Halfway to the top she gestured toward the beach chairs set out facing the sea. "Abbey says a pod of whales will be swimming by. It's an awesome sight."

    She gestured toward the center of the row of chairs and Tyson sat down facing the water below.
    Already light was streaking through the gray of the sky. He tried to focus on the water below, but was mostly aware of Libby curling up beside him, close, almost in his chair, leaning her head on his shoulder.

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    He slipped his arm around her, wanting to just hold her. Needing the closeness, still feeling lost and needing her as an anchor.

    He was startled when Joley came up behind them and wrapped a blanket around them. "It's still a little chilly out here." She sank into the chair beside him.

    Hannah handed him a steaming cup of tea while Elle gave one to Libby before both Drakes sat down.

    "I found an extra pair of binoculars, Ty," Sarah said, handing them to him.

    "I brought Libby's," Kate added.

    "The whales are coming." Abigail pointed out to sea.

    Tyson strained to identify the magnificent creatures, but he could only see the rush of the waves and the ever-moving surface of the water.

    Joley began to play the guitar and the seven sisters began to sing softly, their voices drifting out over the ocean. Tyson felt the sudden surge of energy surrounding him, leaping from sister to sister. He felt power moving not only through them, but because of his connection with Libby, through him. More than that, he felt the strong bond of love, of camaraderie woven between the sisters.

    He didn't take his eyes from the sea as dark shadows below the surface began to take shape, rising toward the melody. His breath caught in his throat as the whales emerged, blow holes spouting water high into the air. Several breached, their enormous bodies hitting the surface hard and sending up fountains of water. The ocean ballet was mesmerizing and he found himself leaning forward, holding his breath as he watched.

    He had no idea how long he sat there before he began to realize he was surrounded by much more than the Drake sisters. He felt acceptance, the offer of family—of a circle of love so strong nothing could destroy it. Like Libby's healing touch, silent yet strong, the others were offering to let him join that unbreakable bond. The enormity of what they were giving him was overwhelming. This was what tied Jonas Harrington to them.

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    The ocean blurred for a moment while he breathed away the overwhelming emotions. He pulled Libby into his arms, onto his lap and kissed her hard. "I love you, Libby Drake," he whispered against her ear.
    "And I'm going to love your family, aren't I?" He had the feeling that he would have the same reactions as Jonas to much of what they did.

    "Of course you are," Libby replied, her eyes shining at him. "This is where you belong, with me. With us.
    You always have."

    Keep reading for an excerpt from



    Christine Feehan

    Coming in November from Jove Books

    NIGHT fell fast in the jungle. Sitting in the middle of the enemy camp, surrounded by rebels, Jack Norton kept his head down, eyes closed, listening to the sounds coming out of the rainforest as he took stock of his situation. With his enhanced senses he could smell the enemy close to him, and even farther away, hidden in the dense, lush vegetation. He was fairly certain this was a satellite camp, one of many Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
    deep in the jungles of the Democratic Republic of Congo, somewhere west of Kinshasa.

    He opened his eyes to narrow slits to look around him, to plan out each step of his escape, but even that tiny movement sent pain shooting through his skull. The agony from the last beating was nearly shattering, but he didn't dare lose consciousness. They would kill him
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