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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Autoren: Gilbert King
Vom Netzwerk:
    166  “probably the most dramatic moment”: FOHP, Williams.
    166  “resentful-eyed”: Mount Dora Topic , September 8, 1949. Also transcript of interview with Mabel Norris Chesley, Franklin Hall Williams Papers, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (FOHP, Chesley).
    166  “wasn’t wearing a watch”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 4, p. 521.
    166  “plaster Paris casts”: Ibid., p. 541.
    166  “the sheriff has kept me”: Ibid., p. 542.
    167  “feed you and sleep you”: Ibid., p. 552.
    167  “jostled by a couple of hoodlums”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    167  “Objection is overruled”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 4, p. 600.
    167  “I see no purpose”: Ibid., p. 601.
    168  “Well, Mr Williams”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 149.
    168  “It’s the worst framed-up case”: Ibid.
    168  “It was like a story”: FOHP, Williams.
    168  “Mr. Williams,” he said: Ibid.
    169  “Willis McCall,” Shepherd told him: Ibid.
    169  “murdered blacks”: Ibid.
    169  “tall, gangly”: Ibid.
    169  “if you just tell”: Ted Poston, “The Story of Florida’s Legal Lynching,” The Nation , September 2, 1949.
    170  “I said to myself”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 4, p. 600.
    170  “hurry up and take me away”: Ibid., p. 640.
    170  “So I was sitting”: Ibid., p. 641.
    172  “Would you have been”: Ibid., p. 644.
    171  “the white lady”: Irene Holmes to Franklin Williams, LDF, December 12, 1949.
    171  “Charlie Greenlee’s such a good actor”: Green, Before His Time , p. 104.
    171  “eyes filled with grief”: Mount Dora Topic , September 8, 1949.
    171  “When are you going to put him”: FOHP, Williams.
    171  “You know what your problem is”: Green, Before His Time , p. 104.
    171  “At Long Last”: Mount Dora Topic , September 8, 1949.
    172  “Except for the”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    172  “Not necessary”: Ibid.
    172  “Mr. Hunter didn’t want”: Ibid.
    172  “possible stains”: Ibid.
    172  “If that white lady”: Ibid.
    172  “bowing and cringing”: Ibid.
    172  “I won’t take very long”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 4, p. 644.
    172  “a lot can happen”: Green, Before His Time , p. 103.
    172  “no human being”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 165.
    173  “grim game of ‘Musical Chairs’ ”: St. Petersburg Times , April 9, 1950.
    173  “a little out of line”: Ibid.
    173  “Jesse,” Futch said: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 167.
    173  “the one long distance phone booth”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    173  “an expectant father”: State of Florida v. Walter L. Irvin, Charles Greenlee, and Samuel Shepherd , Prosecution Report, April 2, 1950, Exhibit 1, FBI 44-2722.
    173  “Keep your shirt on”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    173  that Sheriff McCall “needed help”: Moore Report, Exhibit 53.
    173  “no demonstration: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 4, p. 654.
    174  “We the jury find”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Affadavit, p. 22.
    174  “Hope was gone from the eyes”: Mount Dora Topic , September 8, 1949.
    174  “Then a smile”: Ibid.
    174  “Alex, psst, Alex”: FOHP, Williams. This scene is mostly derived from Franklin Williams’s recollections (FOHP, Williams), and from Ted Poston’s “Horror in the Sunny South” stories in the New York Post .
    174  “go home quietly”: Ibid.
    174  “I don’t doubt”: Ibid.
    175  “Aren’t you going to escort us”: Ibid.
    175  “jammed that cigarette lighter”: Ibid.
    175  “hostile sea of white faces”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    175  “Hurry up and get in”: FOHP, Williams.
    175  “Where’s Ramona?”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    176  “Jesus Christ,” Williams said: FOHP, Williams.
    176  “Oh, God. It’s my fault”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    177  “I have never been so happy”: FOHP, Williams.
    177  “I couldn’t see my own shame”: New York Post , September 9, 1949.
    177  “Aw, you have got”: FOHP, Williams.
    Chapter 12: Atom Smasher
    179  “if he didn’t say”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 188.
    179  “He was going to handme over”: Ibid., p. 188.
    179  “You lied on the witness stand?”: Moore Report, p. 288. This scene is derived from the transcript that Harry T. Moore’s biographer, Ben Green, made (July 15, 1992) from Willis McCall’s interview of
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