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Cut and Run 3 - Fish and Chips

Cut and Run 3 - Fish and Chips

Titel: Cut and Run 3 - Fish and Chips
Autoren: Madeleine Urban ; Abigail Roux
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The ease with which he was submitting was all still very suspicious. Narrowing his eyes, Zane looked over Ty’s nude body as he pushed off his own briefs, wondering just how amenable his lover was feeling tonight. After a moment’s consideration — and admiration — Zane pointed at him and rotated his finger in a silent “roll over” order.
    To Zane’s increasing surprise, Ty’s smile widened, and he obediently rolled over onto his stomach and pressed his face against the sheets, pushing his hips up in a slow, sensual motion.
    Now Zane knew something was up. But damn if he was passing on an opportunity like this one. If he had to pay for it later, so be it. Crawling over Ty’s thighs, Zane rubbed his groin against Ty’s firm ass. Humming slightly, he bent to bite hard at Ty’s neck as one hand slid down Ty’s spine.
    Ty gave a soft, plaintive gasp when he was bitten, but he pushed his hips up to meet Zane without further complaint. He groaned softly as their bodies touched and Zane’s weight settled over him, the sound muffled by the much-washed cotton.
    Zane grabbed for the drawer next to the bed and yanked it open, pulled out a condom and a tube of lubricant, and slicked his fingers. He reached down and tugged Ty’s hip up, holding him firmly as he dragged one finger down Ty’s cleft, leaving a thin trail of lubricant behind. He could see Ty shudder and clench, and it made his gut cramp in sympathy. He knew very well that moment of anticipation, waiting for Ty’s fingers.
    Ty sighed loudly as he lowered his head and spread his knees wider, practically begging Zane to fuck him. “I don’t need that,” he told Zane with certainty. Zane sucked in a breath as he spread out his hand over one ass cheek, squeezing greedily. He knew Ty hadn’t been drinking this evening to mentally prepare himself for his less-substantial role on this cruise, but beer or drugs never made him this easy to handle, even when they were in the midst of fucking. Was this Ty’s interpretation of Del Porter? Was this the Ty he’d be seeing for the next two weeks?
    Ty reached back and dragged his fingers over Zane’s hip, his fingertips just barely able to reach. Despite Ty’s words, Zane slid a finger inside him and ran his free hand across Ty’s skin, skimming up and down his back, wanting that tactile sensation as he rubbed Ty inside.
    “I don’t need it, Zane,” Ty breathed pleadingly, pressing his face into the bed and groaning impatiently. “Come on,” he urged as he tried to push his hips higher.
    Heat flooded Zane. He could feel his cheeks flaming, and it certainly wasn’t from embarrassment. Wondering how far he could push Ty before he’d start pushing back, Zane instead pushed another finger inside Ty and, spur of the moment, smacked Ty’s ass.
    Ty didn’t even flinch, but he did growl in frustration as Zane took his sweet time. He pushed back on Zane’s fingers and spread his knees just a little wider, begging Zane to fuck him. Zane groaned and moved his free hand to close his fingers around the thick cock bobbing below Ty’s belly. He stroked a few more times and pushed in more fingers, twisting as he added pressure. The crack of that slap was echoing in his ears, just like the blood throbbing in his cock.
    “Dammit, Garrett!” Ty called out through gritted teeth. He pushed his hips back demandingly as he reached to drag his fingers against the skin of Zane’s hip, as if he desperately wanted the contact.
    The lingering touch felt like trails of fire against Zane’s skin, and he had to draw a slow, deep breath to try to pull together some measure of control. He didn’t want this to be over anytime soon. “What do you need, baby?” he breathed against Ty’s ear.
    Ty turned his head, trying to brush his cheek against Zane’s face. “You know what I want, Zane.”
    Christ, the sound of his name in that desperate voice. It was impossible to ignore. Zane slid his lips along Ty’s cheekbone before he pulled free and grabbed for the condom, rolling it on and slicking up hastily. One hand pressing on Ty’s lower back gave Zane the right angle, and he pushed, holding his breath, gasping when he slid inside, where it was so tight he thought he’d lose it right then and there. So much for control. He stretched out over Ty’s body and pinned him to the bed.
    Ty gave a short shout of pleasure, and a shudder ran through him as Zane settled on him. “Baby,” he groaned. He slid his hands out to the
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