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Consciousness and the Social Brain

Consciousness and the Social Brain

Titel: Consciousness and the Social Brain
Autoren: Michael S. A. Graziano
Vom Netzwerk:
(1994). Attention: the mechanisms of consciousness.
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. 91: 7398–7403.

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16. Naccache, L., Blandin, E., and Dehaene, S. (2002). Unconscious masked priming depends on temporal attention.
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. 13: 416–424.

17 . Rock, I., Linnett, C.M., Grant, P., and Mack, A. (1992). Perception without attention: results of a new method.
Cogn. Psychol
. 24: 502–534.

Chapter 4: Being Aware Versus Knowing that You Are Aware

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Chapter 5: The Attention Schema

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9 . Graziano, M.S.A. (1999). Where is my arm? The relative role of vision and proprioception in the neuronal representation of limb position.
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10 . Graziano, M.S.A., Cooke, D.F., and Taylor, C.S.R. (2000). Coding the location of the arm by sight.
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Chapter 6: Illusions and Myths

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4 . Blanke, O., Ortigue, S., Landis, T., and Seeck, M. (2002).
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