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Children of the Storm

Children of the Storm

Titel: Children of the Storm
Autoren: Dean Koontz
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feet and, still beaming, said, “Well, then, may I tell Helen and the kids that you've changed your mind and are going to stay on after all?”
        “Please, yes,” she said.
        When he was gone, they remained seated in the rattan chairs, holding hands, looking out at the palms.
        He said, “Ummm, smell the sea.”
        She sniffed and said, “Isn't it a beautiful day? I still have a sore neck, and I'm stiff in all my joints still, but otherwise it's a perfect day. I've probably had better days, but right now I can't think of them and don't particularly want to.”
        “Rightly put,” he said. “There, look at the seagulls playing tag in the sky!”
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