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Alex Harris 00 - Poisoned

Alex Harris 00 - Poisoned

Titel: Alex Harris 00 - Poisoned
Autoren: Elaine Macko
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kill Bradley? He’s such a great guy.”
    “What do you mean kill ? You mean he was murdered?” I asked as goosebumps sprouted along my arms. I couldn’t believe it. Not in our small town again.
    “Well, no one said anything to me yet, but the police questioned Mrs. Platz and there’s a detective in with her now.”
    “Do you know who the detective is?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
    “No. Listen, I better hang up. Will you come?”
    “Of course. I’m leaving right now.” I handed the phone back to Sam. “Mrs. Brissart’s grandson is dead. The housekeeper found him this morning. It looks like murder.”
    “Oh, my,” Sam managed to say.
    I covered my mouth with a hand while a tear escaped down my cheek. “I just met him yesterday. How could he be dead? He ate macaroons with us and then worked in his tree house all afternoon. Chantal wants me to come over right away.”
    “Poor Mrs. Brissart.”
    Mrs. Brissart, in addition to being a valued client of Always Prepared, was also one of our favorites. She came around each year at Christmas and brought us some home-baked goodies and wine. The whole town respected her for all her good works.
    “I better get going. I’ll call you later and let you know what’s going on.”
    “Hey!” Sam said. “Let the police handle it this time, okay?”
    “I’ll be fine.” I gave Sam a smile and wondering if it was true.


    Cars littered the driveway. The one I hoped to see was there—John’s. I parked next to Chantal’s car, away from the front of the house, and went in.
    Chantal paced the front hall, her eyes red and puffy and her eyeliner streaked across her cheek. I recognized the look from my own experience with death.
    “Oh, thank God you’re here. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe Bradley is dead.” She sniffled and pulled out a ratty looking tissue from her pocket. “I’ve never been questioned before. I don’t know what to tell them. Why would someone kill Bradley?”
    I also recognized hysteria building up inside Chantal. “Relax. It’s okay. I’ve been through this before.” I sighed. “It’ll be fine.”
    “Really?” She looked at me with blackened eyes. “You’re over your…experience?”
    “Sure.” I had to lie, right? I didn’t want to panic her anymore than necessary, but the fact was it wouldn’t be fine. At least not for a while. True, I felt better than before, but every once in a while I still awoke in a sweat after another nightmare. At least Chantal hadn’t stumbled onto Bradley’s body herself. I mustered up a smile and took her by the shoulders. “The man I’m dating is the detective in charge so that should make things easier for you.”
    But not necessarily easier on me. John hated my interference the last time murder came to Indian Cove. Of course, mad, passionate love hadn’t consumed us at that point. This time I had l’amour on my side though somehow I didn’t think it would help. I was about to find out.
    A door on the right of the hallway opened and Mrs. Brissart came out clutching a tissue in one hand and holding onto the arm of a young man with the other. John stopped in the doorway and spoke with an officer.
    “Who’s that?” I asked Chantal.
    “Stuart Brissart, Bradley’s brother.”
    “Mamoo, I’m going to try to reach my parents again. Will you be all right?”
    “Yes, thank you, Stuart. Please, go and call your father.” The old woman walked toward Chantal and me.
    “Mrs. Brissart, I am so terribly sorry about your grandson.” My voice caught and I quickly composed myself before the tears started rolling again.
    For a minute it didn’t look like Mrs. Brissart recognized me, but then her eyes focused through the tears and she smiled up at me. I’m five-foot seven, and quite a bit taller than the five-foot Roberta Brissart.
    “Alex. Thank you for coming. This is dreadful. I can use all the support I can get.” She patted my arm and walked into the living room on the opposite side of the hall, with me and Chantal following.
    The housekeeper arrived almost immediately with a tray of both coffee and tea. Her hands shook and her face looked pale as milk. I knew the feeling. Mrs. Platz found Bradley’s body and would never forget it.
    Mrs. Platz glanced at me. “Oh. I need to get more cups.”
    I didn’t think she should be working, but maybe it helped her cope.
    John walked into the room startling me out of my thoughts. “Alex. What are you doing here?”
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