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Alex Harris 00 - Poisoned

Alex Harris 00 - Poisoned

Titel: Alex Harris 00 - Poisoned
Autoren: Elaine Macko
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at the fact that if they just kept this new information about the land to themselves, maybe the deal would still go through. Of course, it will all come out in court. And June is still pining away for J.T.” John said, as he tried to stifle a yawn.
    “Has anybody seen him?”
    “He went to the AIDS benefit the other night in New York City on the arm of some woman from Greenwich, I think. Has more money than all three sisters put together. In all that’s happened, I forgot to tell you that there is a bit of good news,” John said.
    “There is? What?” I asked wondering how anything good could come out of all this mess.
    “Kendra is pregnant. She called Mrs. Brissart from New Hampshire. Bradley’s parents are ecstatic.”
    I thought back to Kendra’s upset stomach thinking that it was due to something she ate. This was much better.
    John stifled another yawn and I took the hint.
    “I think it’s time we left and got this guy to bed.”
    We said our goodnights and I promised to call Mary-Beth in the next few weeks and let her know how everything ended. I drove home and it wasn’t until John was lying in bed that I brought up the subject of his moving in. I stood in the doorway of the bedroom with a toothbrush in one hand and a tube of toothpaste in the other. “Is this a bad time to talk?”
    “No, as long as I don’t have to get up or give too many answers.”
    “Just one. Now that the case is closed, can we find some time to move your things over here?”
    John patted the bed beside him and I walked over and sat down, clean teeth forgotten.
    “You know, I’ve been thinking,” he said looking deep into my eyes, “I hope this won’t be too upsetting, but if it’s all right with you I really don’t think moving in together is such a good idea.”
    My heart stopped. I looked at John and couldn’t decide whether to cry or get mad. I felt my face redden as embarrassment, then anger, set in. Had I read everything all wrong? Was I moving too fast for the guy? I hadn’t thought so. I thought he really wanted to live together. At least he had last week. Maybe my involvement in Bradley’s murder upset him more than I thought.
    “Well, if that’s what you want, I guess we can keep things the way they are,” I said with a tremor in my voice.
    “Actually, I had something else in mind. I thought that maybe we should get married.”


    Elaine Macko is a transplanted New Englander living in California. From a very young age, she possessed an over-active imagination finding intrigue and mayhem in everyday situations, often with hilarious results.
    In the 1980s bored with life in general, it was time to change direction. Signing up for a six-day vacation to London and Brussels in the dead of winter, Elaine found time to meet and fall in love with a local Belgian man and extended her trip to last 12 years. While living abroad Elaine became a board member of a charitable organization and taught Mexican cooking classes to the expatriate community. With a love of writing always lingering on the back burner, Elaine decided to try her hand writing a mystery and after several months, completed a draft of her first book, Armed , and moved on to three other books in the series.
    Elaine never forgot her New England roots and centers her books in the fictional town of Indian Cove, Connecticut. Each book includes a European connection bringing together her love of both places.
    An active member of Sisters in Crime, Elaine takes comfort in knowing that there are many others like her out there spending all their free time trying to come up with inventive ways to kill people.
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