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A Hero for Leanda

A Hero for Leanda

Titel: A Hero for Leanda
Autoren: Andrew Garve
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and die delicate instrument destroyed.
    “ Now see if you can find Malindi!” she cried.

    Kastella came out of the saloon so quickly that Conway decided he must have been listening behind the door.
    “What’s going on?” he demanded. He swung the gun round at hip level, his eyes narrowed against the bright sunlight.
    “I’m afraid Leanda’s a bit overwrought,” Conway said. “She got angry with me and started smashing things .“
    “What things?”
    “Now don’t fly off the handle, Kastella—the damage isn’t irretrievable. It’s the compass, actually.... Pity!—it was a lovely job.”
    Kastella said, “The compass !” He stepped across and had a look at the shattered face. Then he swung round menacingly on Leanda.
    “Easy!” Conway called. “I tell you there’s no real harm done—I’ve got a hand-bearing compass that’ll serve perfectly well. It’ll be a bit awkward, but we’ll manage....” He shook his head sadly. “Leanda, that was very stupid.” Leanda looked from one to the other. “You make a fine pair!” she said. “A murderer and a mercenary, and not a human feeling between you. God, how I loathe you both!” She turned, and rushed below.

    Kastella said, with satisfaction, “So you’ve decided to be sensible, Conway ?”
    “I’ve decided I can’t afford to pass up twenty thousand pounds, if that’s what you mean.”
    “That’s exactly what I mean. I’m only surprised it took you so long to make up your mind.”
    “I might not have made it up now,” Conway said, “if things hadn’t changed quite a bit.... It looks as though that ketch will make the land after all—this wind is blowing it toward the shore.”
    “I told you you were exaggerating the danger.”
    “I wasn’t—it’s just a bit of luck. Don’t misunderstand me, Kastella. I’m not playing along with you for the sake of your beautiful eyes—I think you’re just about the foulest thing in human shape that I’ve ever come across. When I put you ashore at Malindi, it’ll be to save my skin and get my money—and that’s all.”
    “I quite understand,” Kastella said. “You’ve already made it plain that you’re hardly an admirer of mine !“
    “There’s another thing—you’ll have to turn to and do a lot more work. Leanda hates my guts now as much as she hates yours, which is saying something! She won’t help me, and even if she would I couldn’t rely on her any more. That means you’ll have to take watches and sail the boat for part of the time.”
    “I’m in your hands, Conway . Naturally I’ll do everything I can.”
    “Very well...” Conway frowned. “How do you feel about being out here on your own at night? Do you think you could handle her in the dark?”
    Kastella looked at him warily. “In the dark?” He fingered the barrel of the gun. “No, I think perhaps you’d better take charge at night.”
    “In that case, you’ll have to sail her all through the day, or I shan’t get my sleep. It probably is the best way—you shouldn’t get into much trouble in daylight. Of course, if the weather turns bad I’ll relieve you at once. All right ?“
    Conway eyed the gun. “Do you still plan to carry that blunderbuss about with you all the time?”
    Kastella smiled. “If you don’t mind, Conway , I think I will. Not that I don’t trust you—our interests are obviously identical. But it does provide an additional assurance —just in case for any reason you should change your mind. And, of course, there’s always Leanda’s temperament to consider.”
    Conway shrugged. “Have it your own way,” he said. “But watch your trigger finger, that’s all. Leanda’s probably going to be a damned nuisance to both of us, but she’s a fine girl and she’s in my care. If anything happened to her, I’d throw in my hand regardless of consequences. Is that clear? There’s going to be no bloodshed, even accidentally. You can keep that stuff for your private torture chambers.”
    “You put things so nicely, Conway ,”
    “I put things plain. You said I was a realist, and so I am.... Right now you’d better take over while the sailing’s straightforward....” He stood away from the tiller so that Kastella could move in. Then he opened up one of the side lockers and brought out the hand-bearing compass and some tools. In a few minutes he had improvised a bracket for it.
    “You’ll find this thing swings a bit more than the other one did,” he said,
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