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A Deadly Cliche (A Books by the Bay Mystery)

A Deadly Cliche (A Books by the Bay Mystery)

Titel: A Deadly Cliche (A Books by the Bay Mystery)
Autoren: Ellery Adams
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imagine tendrils of stench, gray and puckered as octopus tentacles, creeping out from beneath the bucket.
    Knowing time was against her, Olivia left her metal detector and backpack on the baking sand and began to run.

    Chief Rawlings stared down at the distorted head with pity.
    Olivia was certain that the sight and the smell of the thing repulsed him, but she knew that he was able to look beyond the horror and recall that what had been revealed after the removal of the green bucket was a human being. Was he thinking of the people who cared about this person, this misshapen memory of a man? A mother, a sister, a wife, or even a child. She wondered if Rawlings prayed that the victim was not anyone’s father. She could picture the chief walking slowly up a front path and stepping gingerly over a skateboard or a jump rope to knock on the door, his fist heavy on the wood. How much must it hurt him each time he was forced to crush a family under the weight of his news.
    From her vantage point in the lee of a dune, Olivia noticed Rawlings stood back a ways from the team assisting the medical examiner, watching as they painstakingly removed the sand from the head, exposing a neck and finally, a set of shoulders.
    “We got a whole body in here, Chief!” one of his officers shouted in excitement, as though Rawlings hadn’t reached the same conclusion. But the chief nodded in encouragement. He ruled the Oyster Bay Police Department with a mixture of gentleness and an unyielding demand for excellence. The men and women working under him stood up a fraction straighter and vowed to work a little harder whenever they were in his presence. In his late forties, Rawlings had a pleasant face and a bit of a paunch, which he tried to disguise under Hawaiian shirts when he wasn’t on the job.
    Rawlings put his hand on his hips as his officers continued to scoop sand away from the body and then he turned and walked toward the dunes where Olivia and her black poodle sat waiting and watching.
    “I’m sorry you had to be the one to find him,” Rawlings said.
    Olivia put a hand on Haviland’s back. “Better me than some tourist,” she answered, her eyes searching the chief’s face. “Are there any clues as to why he was buried here?”
    “We haven’t found anything around the body yet,” Rawlings admitted. “Why don’t you go on home? You’ve seen enough.”
    He smiled warmly at her, but Olivia knew she was being given an order. “I’ll be at Grumpy’s critiquing Harris’s chapter in case you need me.” She stood, her body throwing a long, lean shadow over the hot sand.
    Rawlings nodded. “I hope I have the opportunity to read his chapter before our meeting. Enjoy your late breakfast.” He paused and then added, “One of these days, I’d like to share a meal with you, Miss Limoges.” He looked at Haviland and dipped his chin. “And you too, Haviland. But for now, I’ll wish you both good morning.”
    As the chief walked back to his men, Olivia saw him pull a handkerchief from his pocket and dab the perspiration from his forehead. She liked that Sawyer Rawlings was the type of man who would carry a handkerchief. He was old fashioned and believed strongly in traditions, but he was also a man of contradictions. He created beautiful paintings and read poetry, yet wore those dreadful Hawaiian shirts and ate junk food, letting his middle-aged body turn soft about the waist and hips. Olivia studied him for another minute, wondering exactly what it was about the man she found so intriguing.
    “He is not as he appears. There are many layers to Chief Rawlings,” she explained defensively to Haviland, but the poodle didn’t share her interest in the lawman. Haviland growled and jerked his snout toward the road. He was hungry and had grown tired of breathing in the rank smell adrift on the air.
    Olivia gave him a sympathetic pat on the head. “It is awful, Captain. We can go.”
    The closest police cruiser was parked with its windows open and a sun protector stretched across the windshield. A young officer leaned against the driver’s side door and read a sheet of paper attached to a clipboard. He looked up as Olivia approached.
    “Chief said you should stop by the station to give your official statement.” He tapped on the clipboard and then cast a sideways glance at Olivia. “You sure you’ve never seen that guy before? He’s not someone from your workplace or maybe a neighbor?”
    “I don’t recognize
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