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The Vincent Boys 01 - The Vincent Boys

The Vincent Boys 01 - The Vincent Boys

Titel: The Vincent Boys 01 - The Vincent Boys
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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spend the rest of my day making sure all the pews had a hymnal, or wiping down tables in the Sunday school rooms. I just wanted to go read a steamy romance novel and live in the fictional pages for a little while.
    The moment I stepped into my bedroom to change out of my clothes, which reeked of disinfectant spray and old people, my phone dinged, alerting me of a text message. Digging into my pocket, I pulled my phone out and stood staring down at the screen as a series of emotions ran through me.
    Beau: Meet me at the hole
    The hole was the small lake on the farthest part of Sawyer’s property. Beau wanted to meet me out there alone? Why? My heart sped up thinking about what it was Beau was planning. I shifted my eyes to the romance novel I’d been going to read and decided that an afternoon back in the woods with Beau Vincent would be more exciting. Guilt was somewhere inside me, trying hard to beat its way past the sudden wicked need to do something wrong. Before I could come to my senses and change my mind, I replied.
    Me: Be there in 15
    My heart hammered against my chest with nervous excitement, or maybe it was the fear of getting caught. I wasn’t really doing anything wrong. I mean, Beau was my friend—sort of. He was lonely too. It wasn’t like I was going to the hole to make out with him. He probably just wanted to finish the conversation we’d had in his truck last night. He was sober now. More than likely he just wanted to clarify that he hadn’t meant for me to take anything the wrong way. It wasn’t like we were going to go swimming together or anything.
    Beau: Wear a swimsuit.
    Okay. Maybe we were going to go swimming. I didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure what to say. The right thing to do would be to say no. But I always did the right thing. Always. Just this once I wanted to do what I wanted to do. I let the bad girl out just a little.
    I walked toward my closet and went for the small bag tucked away on the top shelf. The red bikini I’d bought for Sawyer, but never wore around him for fear he would disapprove, was nestled in the bottom of the shopping bag. So many times I’d reached for the bag but had never actually taken it out. The bikini had been an impulse buy, one I figured would end up rotting away unseen. I could almost see Grana’s approving grin as I slowly pulled out the revealing swimsuit she had insisted I buy.
    “How’s this for trouble, Grana?” I whispered to myself before a small giggle escaped me.

    If I’d ever taken the time to wonder about my soul being as black as this town seemed to believe, I knew the moment Ashton stepped out of her little white Jetta, looking like an angel from heaven, that my soul was damned to hell. When I’d sent the text asking her to meet me it’d been to remind me how untouchable she was. I thought seeing her ‘no’ response would’ve been the wake-up call I needed to stop obsessing over her. Instead she agreed and my stupid black heart had soared. I watched her steps falter when her pretty green eyes met mine. More than anything I wanted to walk over to her and reassure her I was going to be good. Just talk to her and watch the way her eyes light up when she laughs or the way she nibbles on her bottom lip when she’s nervous. But I couldn’t act on that desire. She wasn’t mine. She hadn’t been mine for a very long time. She shouldn’t be here and I shouldn’t have asked. So instead of reassuring her, I kept leaning against the tree looking like the devil and hoping she turned and ran.
    She started walking toward me and perfect white teeth caught her full bottom lip between them. I’d fantasized about those lips way too many times. She’d barely covered up her long tanned legs with a pair of shorts that made me want to go to church this Sunday just to thank God for creating her.
    “Hey,” she said with a nervous blush.
    Damn, she was gorgeous. I’d never envied anything of Sawyer’s. I loved him like a brother. He was the only family I truly loved. When he excelled I silently cheered him on. He’d stood by me through a rough childhood, begging his parents to let me stay over nights when I was too scared to go back to a dark, empty trailer. He’d always had everything I didn’t have. The perfect parents, home life, but none of that had mattered because I had Ashton. Sure, we all three were friends but Ash had been mine. She’d been my partner in crime, the one person I told all my dreams and fears to, my soul
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