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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat
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Prosaic City P.D. business. Besides, you’re job is to protect me, so I don’t know why you’re complaining.”
    “The suit itches, remember?”
    I nudged him. “But you’re not wearing the suit now.”
    Ralph changed to human and grinned at me. “True enough.”
    I rolled onto my back as I went to human, too. “Not trying for puppies today?” I was almost disappointed. Ralph had introduced me to a lot of new things, including that there was nothing better than having sex with another werewolf, in all three forms.
    He stroked my hair. “Not today. Well, not this moment. How about that?”
    I was already familiar with his stamina. “Not a problem.” The afternoon was young, after all, and we didn’t go on duty again for another night. Ralph rolled on top of me and I sighed. “Does unlife get any better than this?”
    Ralph kissed me. “Not that I’ve found in over four centuries.”
    “Makes eternity seem too short.”
    He grinned. “I’ll do my best to make all parts of it last forever.”
    There was an old saying, and I’d found it was true -- once you went werewolf, you never went back. I was a weregirl in love and it finally felt right. What the next nights would bring I didn’t know, but I figured unlife was a journey, not a destination. And come what may, I was going to enjoy the ride -- in the donated S-Class, with my mate and our pack along for the wild ride. Unlife truly didn’t get any better than this.

    Many thanks, oohs and aahs to Lisa Dovichi, Mary Fiore, Cherry Weiner, and Veronica Cook for their usual above and beyond. Thanks also to Helen King, and authors Marsheila Rockwell, Kris Tualla, Amber Scott, and Jordan Summers, for tons of help and support.
    Much love to my family for encouraging me to always go for it in everything I do, but especially in my writing career.
    Last but not least, a big thanks to my fans around the world who’ve been asking (for quite a while now) when I’d tackle the undead. This one’s for all of you.

About the Author
    Gini Koch lives in Hell’s Orientation Area (aka Phoenix, AZ), works her butt off (sadly, not literally) by day, and writes by night with the rest of the beautiful people. In addition to the Necropolis Enforcement Files series, she writes the fast, fresh and funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books and the Martian Alliance Chronicles series for Musa Publishing. As G.J. Koch she writes the Alexander Outland series for Night Shade Books. She also writes under a variety of other pen names (including Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch), listens to rock music 24/7, and is a proud comics geek-girl willing to discuss at any time why Wolverine is the best superhero ever (even if Deadpool does get all the best lines). She speaks frequently on what it takes to become a successful author and other aspects of writing and the publishing business.

    Reach Gini
    Her website - www.ginikoch.com
    The Blah, Blah, Blah Blog - http://ginikoch.blogspot.com/
    Twitter - @GiniKoch
    Facebook - facebook.com/Gini.Koch
    Facebook Fan Page - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hairspray-and-Rock-n-Roll-Kicking-Evil-Alien-Butt-since-2010-GINI-KOCH/247377348018
    Official Fan Site, Alien Collective Virtual HQ - http://aliencollectivehq.com/
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