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The Mystery of the Antique Doll

The Mystery of the Antique Doll

Titel: The Mystery of the Antique Doll
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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moved in with the Belden family! Besides, I promised I’d set up a schedule with Regan for exercising the horses.”
    “Did you tell him that we promised to help Mrs. De Keyser every other day?” Trixie asked, pained at having neglected one of her other chores—and a favorite one, at that. All the Bob-Whites helped exercise the horses in the Wheeler stables. Honey, who was an excellent equestrienne, had taught Trixie how to ride. Trixie loved riding, and felt very bad about neglecting the horses.
    “Is Regan angry at us?” she asked.
    “No,” Honey said, as she slipped on her jacket. “Regan’s very pleased that we’re helping someone, but the horses need to get exercised, too. Jim and Dan are helping, but you and I should also do our share.”
    “No problem,” Trixie said, walking Honey to the door. “I’ll do whatever I can. See you tomorrow morning on the bus!”
    She waved, and then watched Honey cut across the back of the property and take the foot path to the Manor House.
    Later that night, after Trixie had eaten, done the rest of her homework, and helped her mother with the dinner dishes, she went upstairs with Bobby and read him a story before bed. She watched his eyelids grow heavier and heavier. When it looked as if he could hold out against sleep no longer, she turned off the lamp and kissed him goodnight.
    In her room, Trixie lay waiting for sleep, but her mind was so full of dancing thoughts that she only felt more awake than ever. There was so much to do: Mrs. De Keyser, the horses, the Eastern Regional—and she had all her usual chores, and homework too!
    And the newspaper assignment. She’d almost forgotten that.
    Suddenly her eyes flew open. I’ve got it! she thought. I’m surprised I didn’t think of it before! I’ll interview Carl Reid for the school newspaper. It’s a perfect excuse for snooping around and it will make a really good article, too. I’ll bet I’m not the only one who’s interested in those old-time toys.
    Trixie settled back against the pillow, and reviewed the wonderful banks and mechanical toys she’d only had a brief chance to look at. Each one is practically an invention in itself! she thought happily. Why, I’d interview Mr. Reid even if he wasn’t suspicious, but this only makes it better.
    Trixie snuggled under the covers, and fell asleep contemplating her plan.

    The next day after school, Trixie and Honey got off the bus at Mrs. De Keyser’s house, and spent an hour helping her. They did some laundry and took care of the pile of dishes that had accumulated in the last two days.
    “Oh dear,” Mrs. De Keyser fussed. “I’m so embarrassed about this mess, but if I do dishes, I just know I’ll get my cast all wet. What a nuisance!”
    “Please, don’t give it a thought, Mrs. De Keyser,” Honey said soothingly. “If you could do these things yourself, then there’d be no need for us to come and help. We really do understand.”
    “Oh, I know you do, dear.” The distraught woman smiled at the girls. “Now, when my arm is better I’m going to invite you over for tea some afternoon. Then I’ll have a chance to do something for you!”
    “We’d love it,” Trixie said. “And besides, we’re going to miss Willy, so we were hoping you’d invite us over to play with him sometimes.”
    Willy, who had been running circles around Trixie as she dusted, started yapping enthusiastically.
    “Poor Willy will miss you, too,” Mrs. De Keyser said gratefully. “Now, I really feel bad about keeping you two busy girls here any longer. Why don’t you run along, and I’ll see you again day after tomorrow.”
    Trixie and Honey collected their books and put on their coats. After the door closed behind them, Trixie explained her plan about the interview to Honey.
    Honey hesitated. “I don’t know, Trixie,” she said. “Mr. Reid wasn’t too eager to talk the last time.”
    “But this is different,” Trixie insisted. “If I do an article about the shop, it will probably attract customers. Then Mr. Reid will make more money. Why, I’ll bet a lot of people don’t even know the store is here. Glen Road isn’t exactly a main thoroughfare, you know.”
    “Perhaps you’re right,” Honey said, understanding her friend’s persistence. “Why don’t you go ahead and do the interview now? I have to go home and help Miss Trask with the mending.”
    “Okay, Honey,” Trixie said. “Who are you planning to interview?”
    “I was thinking of
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