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The Last Continent

The Last Continent

Titel: The Last Continent
Autoren: Terry Pratchett
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surely the whole point was to try to paint a picture that moved, that definitely expressed the, the, the—
    Definitely expressed it, anyway. You went the way the paint and the color wanted you to go.
    “You know,” said Neilette, “the way the light falls on it and everything…it could be a group of wizards…”
    Rincewind half closed his eyes. Perhaps it was the way that the shadows moved, but he had to admit he’d done a really good job. He slapped some more paint on.
    “Looks like they’re almost coming out of the stone,” said someone behind him, but the voice sounded muffled.
    He felt as though he was falling into a hole. He’d had the sensation before, although usually it was when he was falling into a hole. The walls were fuzzy, as though they were streaking past him at a tremendous rate. The ground shook.
    “Are we moving?” he said.
    “Feels like it, doesn’t it?” said Archchancellor Rincewind. “But we’re standing still!”
    “Moving while standing still,” muttered Rincewind, and giggled. That’s a good one!” He squinted happily at the beer can. “Y’know,” he said, “I can’t stomach more than a pint or two of the ale we have at home but this stuff is like drinking lemonade! Has anyone got that meat pie—”
    As loudly as a thunderstorm under the bed but as softly as two soufflés colliding, past and present ran into one another.
    They contained a lot of people.
    “What’s this?”
    “You’re not the Dean!”
    “How dare you say that! Who are you!”
    “Stone the cows, there’s a monkey in here!”
    “No! No! I didn’t say that! He said that!”
    “What? How many of you are there?”
    The darkness became a deep purple, shading to violet.
    “ Will you all stop shouting and listen to me !”
    To Rincewind’s amazement, they did.
    “Look, the walls are getting closer! This place is trying not to exist!”
    And, having done his duty to the community, he turned and ran over the shaking rock floor.
    After a couple of seconds the Luggage passed him, which was always a bad sign.
    He heard the voices behind him. Wizards had a hard job accepting the term “clear and present danger.” They liked the kind you could argue about. But there is something about a rapidly descending ceiling that intrudes into the awareness of even the most quarrelsome.
    “I’ll save you, Mrs. Whitlow!”
    “Up the tunnel!”
    “How fast are those walls closing in, would you say?”
    “Shut up and run!”
    Now Rincewind was passed by a large red, furry kangaroo. The Librarian’s erratic morphism, having briefly turned him into a red stalactite as an obviously successful shape for surviving in caves, had finally taken on board the fact that it would make for a terminally lengthy survival in a cave that was rapidly getting smaller, and had flipped into a local morphic field built for speed.
    Man, Luggage and kangaroo piled through the hole into the cellar and ended in a heap against the opposite side.
    There was a rumbling behind them and wizards and women were fired out into the cellar with some speed, several of them landing on Rincewind. Behind the wall, the rock groaned and creaked, expelling these alien things in what, Rincewind thought, was a geological chunder.
    Something flew out of the hole and hit him on the ear, but this was only a minor problem compared to the meat pie, which came out trailing mushy peas and tomato sauce and hit him in the mouth.
    It wasn’t, actually, all that bad.

    The ability to ask questions like “Where am I and who is the ‘I’ that is asking?” is one of the things that distinguishes mankind from, say, cuttlefish. *
    The wizards from Unseen University, being perhaps the intellectual cream or certainly the cerebral yogurt of their generation, passed through this stage within minutes. Wizards are very adept at certain ideas. One minute you’re arguing over the shape of a duck’s head and the next there are people telling you you’ve been inside a rock for thousands of years because time goes slower on the inside. This presents no great problem for a man who has found his way to the lavatory at Unseen University. †
    There were more important questions as they sat round the table in BU.
    “Is there anything to eat?” said Ridcully.
    “It’s the middle of the night, sir.”
    “You mean we missed dinner ?”
    “Thousands of years of dinners,
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