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Talisman 01 - The Emerald Talisman

Talisman 01 - The Emerald Talisman

Titel: Talisman 01 - The Emerald Talisman
Autoren: Brenda Pandos
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besides my coat and purse. I pilfered through my purse, removed the necessary items—my wallet, keys and cell phone and tucked them into my coat pockets. I didn’t want to be hampered by carrying anything extra, so I locked the empty purse in the trunk.
    I looked both ways, took a deep breath and crossed the road towards the tree line, praying I’d make it home safe and sound.
    As soon as I entered the path beneath the huge redwoods, I could no longer hear the traffic up on the road. My heart beat a little irregularly as my eyes adjusted to the dimly - lit trail before me.
    Silvery patches of moonlight filtered through the vast expanse of branches overhead and splashed light onto the trail. It was actually a nice evening for a stroll. The cool air smelled of dew as the tree leaves rustled in the evening breeze.
    Darkness enveloped me as I forged deeper into the woods. I tried to keep my thoughts light and happy as my heart pumped a little faster. The setting could have been a scene right out of a horror movie, a genre which I faithfully avoided. I knew one day I’d be in a similar harmless scenario that would only terrify me by fueling my over-active imagination.
    On the other hand, walking with someone, like a cute boy, would make this whole scary ordeal into a romantic dream. I shifted my focus to imagine myself walking hand in hand with him. Maybe he’d stop, look into my eyes and I’d get my first kiss.
    The rustle of a fern next to me broke my happy thoughts. I froze, stopping in the middle of the trail. With wide eyes, I searched for the source. I held my breath, straining to listen for what seemed like an eternity, as the noise of pounding blood filled my ears. I was ready to run if something jumped out at me.
    Nothing happened, so I took a little step sideways. Still nothing, so I tried another step. Something launched itself out of the bush towards me. I shrieked and shielded my eyes as it flew by my face.
    My legs folded underneath me and I balled my arms around my head. The last thing I wanted was a bat or some flying insect to nest in my hair. The air couldn’t come into my lungs fast enough as I tried calming myself down, suspecting every second I remained in this panicked state, precious years were coming off the end of my life. I listened and heard nothing further.
    Mentally, I encouraged my legs to straighten, but they were still frozen and starting to shake. My effort to soothe myself wasn’t working. I took a few more deep breaths.
    You’re just being paranoid. You’re alone and you know it. Nothing in this forest can harm you. Just get home .
    My thoughts comforted me; my heartbeats subsided to a normal rhythm in response. I opened my eyes to focus on my surroundings. The cricket’s soft chirping encouraged me to stand up and keep going. The walk home was really no big deal. I knew this path by heart. Ahead was the suspended foot bridge that spanned the creek and I’d be home.
    Courage replaced fear as I stood up, dusted myself off and spotted the bridge’s lantern through the trees gently swaying in the breeze. It softly beckoned to me, welcoming me in the darkness.
    Over time, the creek’s erosion created a large ravine that wrapped around the great redwoods of the forest. The cliff sides were covered with ferns, ivy and moss, making perfect homes for little birds and other animals—the same animals that were scaring the living daylights out of me.
    “If you don’t bother me, I won’t bother you,” I whispered.
    I gently stepped onto the time-weathered bridge, causing it to shudder and creak. The last thing I needed was my presence alerted. I tried my hardest to keep my shoes quiet as I walked across, but it still moaned in protest.
    Between the wood slats, I could see the moon brightly reflecting off the water’s edge, rippling brilliantly in the current. The gentle flow of the stream echoed in the caverns, softening the noises I made. But when the wind picked up and ruffled the ferns, it swayed the massive bridge.
    My heart began to beat faster as the bridge loudly groaned under the wind’s strain. Fear took over as I bolted the rest of the way across, panting for air on the other side. An animal, startled by my sudden wild movements, scurried into the brush. I jumped.
    It’s just another animal, Julia — don’t freak out!
    I took a deep breath and held it, listening. Whatever it was seemed to be gone now. Annoyed with my constant overreaction to every noise, I turned to
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