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Sea Breeze 02 - Because of Low

Sea Breeze 02 - Because of Low

Titel: Sea Breeze 02 - Because of Low
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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was pointless. It only hurt Larissa and she was innocent.
    Cage’s bedroom door opened and he walked out, frowning.
    “Are you sure you’re okay with this? I’d feel better about going if you’d come too.”
    I shook my head. I wasn’t going to be his shadow anymore. He needed to get back to his life. Tonight I wanted him to go out and have a good time with his friends. I was fine right here.
    “I have chocolate ice cream and two seasons worth of True Blood . So go. Me and vampire Eric will be just fine. I promise.”
    He sighed and reached over and hugged me, “Okay fine. I’m going. But you call me the minute you feel an anxiety attack or just if you get upset or---”
    “Cage, GO now,” I pointed toward the door.
    “I’m going. But I’ve got my phone with me.”
    “I heard you, Cage. Go.”
    Once the door closed behind him I got out my chocolate ice cream and headed for the couch. Tonight I would forget about everything except hot viking vampires.

    Chapter Twenty-Three


    “Don’t look now but Cage is headed this way,” Dewayne muttered, jerking me back to the present. I’d gotten lost in my thoughts. Since Dad had informed me how incredibly wrong I’d been about Willow, I’d done nothing but replay every awful word I’d said to her. I searched the crowd until I found Cage walking our way. He was alone.
    “Sorry man, I didn’t know he was going to be here tonight or I’d have given you a heads up,” Preston whispered from across the table.
    “Stop babying him. He’s gonna have to deal with it eventually,” Rock said with an unapologetic shrug. He was right of course.
    “Didn’t expect you out tonight,” Preston said as Cage came to a stop at the table.
    “I needed a night out. Low insisted I go do something.”
    “She didn’t come out with you?” I surprised everyone including myself by asking.
    Cage frowned at me then tilted his head as if he was studying me. I stared at him. Waiting on an answer while he decided if I deserved one or not.
    “No. She had a bad experience the last time I talked her into getting out of the apartment and coming here with me,” he replied slowly and evenly. The night I’d grabbed the girl and danced with her. Damn the list of marks against me were endless.
    “Uh, well, it’s good you got out tonight. You don’t do that much anymore,” Preston piped up in an attempt to break through the tension.
    Cage continued to glare at me, “I’ve had other priorities.”
    I wanted to hate him. Because he’d been there for her. Because he’d been what I hadn’t. But I couldn’t hate him. Instead, I was grateful someone had taken care of her.
    “Is she okay?” I needed to know. Anything. Just something. I needed something.
    Cage let out a hard laugh and shook his head like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “No, Marcus she isn’t. But one day she will be. It isn’t like she hasn’t been left before. She’ll survive.”
    If he’d intended to slice me open, he’d succeeded. I needed air. Standing up I grabbed my water and turned around to leave.
    “If it were me you’d fucked over, you’d be dead to me. But it wasn’t me. It was Low. And she isn’t like most people. If you’ve managed to put away enough of that sheltered little rich boy righteous fury and figured out what an enormous mistake you made then it isn’t too late. Yet.” Then Cage York turned and walked away. Through the crowd and out the front door. I stood there replaying his words in my head. Then I broke into a run.

    Cage’s Mustang wasn’t parked outside. I stood looking up at the window to the apartment and although the lights were off I could see the glow from the television. She was here. Just like Cage had said. I took the stairs two at a time and halted at the door. I no longer had a key. She’d have to come to the door. And she might slam it in my face. I rubbed my palms across the tops of my jeans and took a few deep breaths. Did I even deserve this? If there was any chance she’d forgive me was I even worthy of her forgiveness? No. I wasn’t. But I was selfish. I wanted Low. That’s all I cared about. Raising my hand I rapped on the door and waited while my heart tried to pound out of my chest. The dead bolt unlatched and the knob turned. Waiting, I stood praying she’d listen.


    “Marcus?” Had I fallen asleep on the couch? Was this a dream? It wouldn’t be the first dream I’d had of Marcus over the past couple months. I
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