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Titel: Rook
Autoren: Daniel O'Malley
Vom Netzwerk:
from the heart, in your scientists’ laboratory freezer.”
    “I see. And how long did that take?” Myfanwy asked faintly.
    “The process began twenty-four hours after your scientists examined it,” said the Grafter dismissively.
    “Well, that is impressive,” said Myfanwy. She took stock of her situation and grimly realized that she had left the ankle gun back at the Apex. Almost as distressing was the fact that she was going to have to sit in one of the deliberately uncomfortable chairs, since the couch was too far away. Making a break for it was obviously out of the question. “You weren’t worried that they might notice anything strange about the heart when they were examining it?” she asked.
    “We are discreet,” said the Belgian. “And no one in your organization is good enough to detect that technology. It is very new, and very experimental.” Myfanwy nodded. “I’m sorry that I have taken your chair,” he continued. “While I was waiting for you, I found that it was much more comfortable than the ones in front of yourdesk. But if you would like, I could move.” To her horror, he began to stand up.
    “No! It’s fine,” she exclaimed. “Please, don’t get up.”
Let’s keep the nudity behind the desk.
Plus, she was not keen to see the mess he had left on her chair with all that fluid dripping off him.
I’m going to have to get a new chair,
she decided.
Provided I survive.
Myfanwy sat down in the uncomfortable chair that did not have a sheen of slime on it.
    “May I ask how you managed to get up from the scientists’ lab fridge to my office, stark naked, without attracting the attention of any of the staff?”
    “Well, it
the night,” he pointed out. “And the cleaning staff has gone home. Your security guards do regular patrols, but it’s not too difficult to avoid them when one can hang from the ceiling. And this body is invisible to video cameras.”
    “Cool. And now you are here in my office.”
    “Yes,” he agreed. There was a pause that Myfanwy found uncomfortable but that did not seem to faze him.
    “I’m sorry, but
are you in my office?” she asked finally.
    “Oh, yes. Well, I have come here in secret to speak with you. It may surprise you, Myfanwy Thomas, to learn that for the past few decades the Wetenschappelijk Broederschap van Natuurkundigen have been maneuvering themselves into positions of power within the Checquy,” he said. “We have also set up a training and experimentation operation, funded by Britain, forcibly drafting British citizens as soldiers.
    “The Broederschap has established a weapon of mass destruction based on new applications of our technology; it’s powered by yet more British citizens within a prominent British city. Indeed, we have placed operatives throughout your organization, on all levels, including”—and here he paused impressively—“within the Court of the Checquy!”
    “Wow,” she said flatly. “So, um, how?” she asked. “How did you infiltrate us?”
    “Oh, well, it is easy enough to turn your Retainers,” he said, a little thrown by her lack of response. “They get sick of being treatedlike they’re second best. No matter how good they are, they will always be normal, and they can never rise beyond a certain rank. Your Pawns strut around with their special abilities, gliding down the hallways and typing with their tentacles. And those poor Retainers watch them enviously, knowing they will never be respected.
    “Of course, we haven’t been able to turn all of your Retainers. But for those who feel such envy, we offer an opportunity for growth. Not so they can strike against you, but so that just once they can look in the mirror and see a person who is remarkable.”
    “And the members of the Court?” Myfanwy asked.
    “Well,” sighed the naked Belgian. “The more extraordinary the person, the more mundane and predictable the bait.” He leaned back in the chair. “Wealth. Power. The traditional bribes. One of them has received a substantially increased life span.”
    Ah, yes, immortality.
old chestnut,
thought Myfanwy, mentally rolling her eyes.
    “And that is how we gained such power over you,” he finished.
    “How sad,” said Myfanwy. “And what now, Graaf Ernst von Suchtlen? Revenge for the indignities forced upon you after the Isle of Wight? Will you smash the Checquy? Without us in the picture, you would be free to take control of England. And then America! I don’t know how
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