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Marblestone Mansion 01 - Scandalous Duchess

Marblestone Mansion 01 - Scandalous Duchess

Titel: Marblestone Mansion 01 - Scandalous Duchess
Autoren: Marti Talbott
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course you did,” Maude Goodwin said, making her way through the gathering crowd. “See that house on the corner.” She pointed across the street. “Mr. Goodwin built that for me and I would be pleased to take you there. I have something I think just might fit you and then you will not have to miss the dance. Will you let me help you?”
    Sassy nodded and tried to shake some of the piecrust off her skirt. More people were gathering, trying to get a good look at her, and some were even snickering. She gave up on the mess and looked up at Hannish again. “I have ruined my new clothing.”
    “ You must not fret, we shall buy more,” he said.
    Hannish spotted Charlotte strolling down a long sidewalk between two rows of trees. “Keith, go with Sassy and Cathleen, and see that Charlotte gets no where near them again.”
    “ I will, Mr. Hannish.”
    He watched Mrs. Goodwin lead the three of them through the parting crowd, noticed Millie and Prescot were trying to recover some of Sassy’s lunch and that McKenna had tears in her eyes. “If you cry, you will make me cry.”
    McKenna broke a smile and smacked his arm. “I have never seen you shed a tear, not since…” she bit her lip. “Brother, this is serious. I fear Charlotte will become more violent.”
    “ So do I,” Alistair agreed. “I do not like her brother either.”
    Hannish nodded. “I have placed no more furniture orders with him; he’ll not be coming around again.”
    “ Good,” said Prescot. “Millie does not like the way he looks at her.”
    Just then, Claymore spoke up, “Charlotte needs to be run out of town. I doubt the parents will want their children taught by the likes of her after this, and if I spread the word, her brother will have no more business in Colorado Springs. They will both be forced to move away.”
    “ Will that not make them even more resentful?” McKenna asked.
    “ Perhaps, but we will simply have to be more vigilant for the sake of all ladies,” said Claymore. “We cannot have our women assaulted -- not in this city.”
    Millie tugged on Alistair’s arm. “Do you suppose Sassy has lost her appetite?”
    “ Sassy? Miss a meal? Impossible!”

    CHAPTER 12

    It was the better part of an hour before Sassy and the others came back and Alistair was waiting for them at the edge of the park. Just as he predicted, the first thing she wanted was the rest of her lunch. “The sheriff arrested Charlotte.”
    “ For ruining my clothes?”
    “ Nay,” Alistair answered, “for neglecting to pay for the pie before she took it.”
    Sassy grinned. “Good.”
    “ Come, Sarah has your lunch and she saved a place for us on the grass.” He offered his arm and was pleased when she took it, just as gracefully as any fine lady would. And why not, she was dressed in Mrs. Goodwin’s expensive white waistshirt, with pearls sewn into the lace, a dark blue skirt and a pair of practically new shoes.
    As Alistair carefully wove them between the wandering crowd, Sassy giggled and leaned closer. “Even the skin beneath this waistshirt is blue.”
    Alistair pretended to be shocked, “My dear, a gentleman should never know these things.”
    “ A gentleman does not know a lady has skin?”
    “ Good heavens no, not until his wedding night.”
    She rolled her eyes. “What a discovery that must be.”
    The prime and proper Alistair could not help but laugh.

    At exactly half past six, two men began to scatter a fine layer of corn meal on the smooth cement to make is easier for the dancers to make their turns. It was then the Mayor called for the musicians to take their places on the pavilion. “But first,” he said, “to begin the evening activates, allow me to introduce the finest singers in Colorado Springs, The MacGreagor Quartet.”
    Never had they been so nervous, but Shepard, Prescot, Brookton and Egan walked to the front of the crowd and climbed the two steps up to the pavilion. Shepard asked for a middle “c” from the violinist and when they were ready, gave the signal to begin.
    Hannish had not heard they were calling themselves the “MacGreagor Quartet,” and it made him proud. He, along with everyone else, listened to the medley of songs “his” quartet sang, and when they ended with The Star Spangled Banner, everyone stood, even the elderly. He watched several men respectfully take off their hats and he took his off too. He missed Scotland, but it was an honor to be counted among the people of this new country.
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