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Marblestone Mansion 01 - Scandalous Duchess

Marblestone Mansion 01 - Scandalous Duchess

Titel: Marblestone Mansion 01 - Scandalous Duchess
Autoren: Marti Talbott
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foreboding in the pit of his stomach had just increased. “She dinna bring my clothing?”
    McKenna quickly took pity on him. “It does not mean she does not intend to stay. Perhaps she wishes to have all things new for both of you in her new home.”
    “ She is clearly not as excited to see me as I am to see her.”
    “ Olivia adores clothing and cares to dress her best at all times. Perhaps she fears she’ll not see New York again anytime soon.”
    He smiled to reassure her. “Did she say as much?”
    “ Nay, we dinna get on so well after you left. She does not confide in me.”
    “ Is that why you moved to the cottage?”
    McKenna sighed. “I adore the cottage, as you are well aware. We grew up there and it has many wonderful memories for me. I can still see father at the dinner table tellin’ us the old family stories, while mother gently corrected our table manners.”
    “ I remember. Father taught us many things, and I confess I dinna see the wisdom in his words at the time. Each day I find he understood the ways of the world very well.”
    Lost in the memory, both were quiet for a moment until McKenna spoke again, “They were taken from us far too soon.”
    “ Aye, they were.”
    “ I often think how perfect it was that they, who loved each other so very well, died in each other’s arms.”
    “ True. I believe father tried to shield her with his body, but the train was simply going too fast. How I wish they had lived. I so often long to ask his advice, and mother’s too.”
    “ As do I. Do you remember how he forced us to learn proper English? He said, ‘Baern, ye’ll not have the best o lives until ye learn to speak jest like the English.’ He was right, too.”
    “ In deed he was. He’d not pass the bread until we got at least two English pronunciations right,” said Hannish.
    “ And now look at us, what language do these American’s speak? I have heard French, German and a word or two completely unfamiliar, just since I boarded the ship.”
    “ You’ll get on with it soon enough. Tell me, what can I do to resolve the differences between you and my wife?”
    “ Nothing, there is nothing to be done.”
    “‘ Tis the fault yours or hers?”
    “ Both, I imagine.” She glanced out the window at the trees and bushes along her side of the road. “What sort of trees are those with the white bark?”
    “ They are Aspen. The odd-looking pine trees are called Blue Spruce, and they are everywhere. Sister, you need not protect me, I am aware something is amiss with Olivia. At first, her letters were filled with love, but I received only two from her these last six months. Both said little and were signed not with ‘love’ but only with ‘affection.’”
    “ She keeps herself very busy.”
    “ With what?”
    “ Her society, mostly. She does miss you, particularly when she is forced to attend a ball with an escort instead.”
    “ She attends them often?”
    “ Olivia is much admired by her society.”
    “ And you, do you attend the balls?”
    McKenna sighed. “I find them boring, particularly now that I have a wealthy brother. Every wife hunting baronet, knight, and barrister in Scotland finds me far more fetching these days.”
    “ But you dinna find them so?”
    “ How can I, none measure up to either you or Cameron.”
    “ How is my bother, by the way? He does not say how he is.”
    “ He took me to the ship and said if I am most fortunate, he will come to America to see that I am being treated properly.”
    “ He always did favor you, although I cannae think why. Does his Glasgow business do well?” Hannish asked.
    “ Very well. He said they built or repaired some 100 looms and shipped them from Glasgow to all over Scotland last month. The cotton mills flourish as do their suppliers.”
    “ A hundred in a month? I say, he is doing well. Is he happy?”
    “ Very happy, and his wife, Flora, is the brightest star in our sky. You will love her as much as I do. She is perfect for your spirited younger brother and he has calmed considerably now that he is married.”
    Hannish lovingly laid his head on top of hers for a moment. “How glad I am to have you keep me company. What do you think of Colorado?”
    “ It looks a lot like Kansas, which is by far the flattest stretch of land on earth. Even Northern Scotland is not as flat as all that. But my dear brother, when I stepped off the train in Denver, the view took my breath away. Never have I seen a sight the likes of
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