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Kate Daniels 02 - Magic Burns

Kate Daniels 02 - Magic Burns

Titel: Kate Daniels 02 - Magic Burns
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wrong? Let’s say, you buy the safety of many with the life of a child. That child means everything to her parents. You devastated them. There is no greater wrong you can do to them. Why would that be a ‘small’ evil?”
    â€œBecause now more of you fools are going to die.”
    â€œWe fools volunteered to fight. We have free will. I fight to save Julie and to kill as many of those bastards as I can. They came into my house, they tried to kill me, and they crucified my kid. I want to punish them. I want that punishment to be so hard, so vicious, that the next scum who takes their place wets himself at the mere thought of trying to fight me.”
    Slayer smoked in its sheath, sensing my anger. Normally I’d have to feed it, or its blade would become thin and brittle, but with the magic flowing this strong, the sword would last through the battle and then some.
    I pointed to the yard. “The shapeshifters fight to take a stand against a threat and to avenge their dead Pack mates. They fight to protect their children, because without them there is no future. What do you fight for?”
    He ruffled the wild nest of his hair. “I have no future anyway. I fight because I made a deal with Morrigan. Without mist, I’ll age and die.”
    â€œWould aging be such a bad thing? Don’t you want a life? A real life?”
    He sneered. “If I wanted a real life, I wouldn’t have asked to be a hero. When I die, I want to die strong, with a sword in my hand, sheathing it into the bodies of my enemies. That’s how a man should die.”
    I sighed. “My father served as a warlord to a man of unequaled power. This man called my father ‘Voron,’ which means Raven, because death followed him. Voron had never been defeated with a blade. Had he remained as a warlord to lead the army he had built and trained, the world would be a very different place.”
    â€œIs there a point to this tale?”
    â€œHe left it all behind for my sake.” And he did it all for a child not of his own blood.
    â€œThen your father was a fool and now I know why you’re one.”
    I closed my eyes. “There is no reasoning with you. Let me sleep.”
    I heard him jump off the rail and land next to me, and then he poked my shoulder with his finger.
    â€œI’m trying to understand.”
    I opened my eyes. Explaining my moral code really wasn’t my forte. “Imagine you’re being chased by wolves. You’re running through the woods, no settlement in sight, and you come across a baby lying abandoned on the ground. Do you save the baby or do you leave him for the wolves?”
    I saw the hesitation in his dark eyes. “I’d leave the little bastard,” he declared, a bit too loudly. “Would slow the wolves down.”
    â€œYou had a doubt.”
    He raised his hand but I shook my head. “I saw it. You had a doubt. You thought about it for a second. The same force that drove that doubt is what makes us fight. Now leave me be.”
    I curled up on my blanket and closed my eyes. The wind gently stroked my face and soothed me into calm sleep.
    DEREK AWOKE ME A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER. I looked at the sky. The sun rode high—it was just past noon.
    I didn’t want to die.
    Derek’s face was grim. “Jim has something for you downstairs.”
    He took me to the first floor and held the door open for me. I entered a small room, where Jim sat in a chair, testing the edge of that same knife with his thumb. In front of him, on the floor, sat Red. He was filthy. His left eye was swollen shut with a magnificent shiner. A long metal chain stretched from the wall to clutch at a metal collar around his neck. God help you if you offend the Pack, because they didn’t need a K-9 unit to find you.
    I crossed my arms and looked at him. He was only fifteen. It didn’t excuse his betrayal of Julie but it precluded me from doing all of the things I would normally do under these circumstances.
    Red squinted at me with his good eye. “You gonna beat me, go ahead.”
    I leaned against the wall. At the first hint of my movement, he ducked, covering his head. “Why didn’t you tell me about the necklace?”
    â€œBecause you’d steal it.” He bared his teeth. “It was mine. My power! My chance.”
    â€œDo you know what happened to Julie?”
    â€œHe knows,” Jim said.
    â€œDo you feel
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