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Jamie Brodie 02 - Hoarded to Death

Jamie Brodie 02 - Hoarded to Death

Titel: Jamie Brodie 02 - Hoarded to Death
Autoren: Meg Perry
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end up a hoarder."
    "Well, yeah, but you can see how she had everything stacked up neatly at first. And it's a vicious circle that these folks get into. The hoard starts getting out of control, and it makes them feel even worse about themselves than they already do, so they hoard more, which makes them feel worse...and on it goes."
    We went to bed early because we had to be up early. I dreamed that I came home from work one day to find , to my horror, that Pete had filled the townhouse with baby clothes.

    The next morning we were scheduled to meet at Jennifer's apartment at 5:30 again. We made record time through McDonald's drive through and got to the apartment with five minutes to spare, only to find that nothing was happening. Raven, Mike, and Raven’s assistant were huddled together by the TV truck with Greg the cameraman discussing something intently. Jennifer, Susannah, and Dr. Hayman weren't there yet. The junk guys were all milling around a little, shivering in the damp morning air and drinking coffee. Stan the Junk Man was on his phone, pacing the parking lot. He looked mad. Every so often he'd hang up, call another number, and get mad again. I looked around and realized that Stan’s guy Wally was missing.
    Pete had packed a cooler full of Cokes. He put up the tailgate of his Jeep, and we sat inside the cargo area with ou r feet dangling over the bumper eating our Egg McMuffins and drinking Coke. After about ten minutes, Raven separated herself from the group by the TV truck and came over to us.
    "Hey, guys. Sorry we're running a little behind schedule. Stan's assistant was supposed to be here at 5:00 with the key to the apartment, and he hasn't shown up yet."
    "Stan's assistant… Wally is Stan’s assistant? Why would he have a key?"
    " Wally was going to meet Greg to get some shots of the apartment before anyone else got here, to use as the visual starting point for the second day's cleaning. Greg showed up but Wally wasn't here. So Greg called Stan, and Stan's been trying to get hold of Wally, but his phone goes right to voice mail. So, we're waiting for Jennifer to get here, so she can let us in and Greg can get his preliminary shots."
    I glanced at Pete for confirmation. "I don't remember Jennifer ever being late for anything."
    Pete shrugged. "Neither do I."
    "I don't think it's Jennifer, I think it's Susannah. Jennifer stayed with Susannah last night. They called me a few minutes ago; they're on the way." Raven gestured to the TV truck. "We've got coffee in the van if you want something warmer to drink."
    "Thanks." We watched Raven go back to the truck. Dr. Hayman arrived a minute or so thereafter. Stan was still pacing and talking on the phone, looking angrier by the minute. In about ten minutes, Jennifer and Susannah pulled in to the parking lot.
    "Sorry we're late." Jennifer glared at Susannah.
    Susannah glared back. She was dressed somewhat more appropriately today, in designer jeans, a black jacket, and high heeled boots. "Well, we're here now. Let's get started."
    Raven crossed to them. "We need your key, Jennifer. Wally hasn't shown up yet."
    "Um - okay." Jennifer fished her key out of her pocket. "Where is Wally? I need my other key back."
    "Oh, he'll be along. Stan is tracking him down now." Raven started walking toward the apartment. "Come on and unlock the door for us, then you all can relax for a few minutes while Greg gets a few shots inside. We've got coffee and donuts in the TV van."
    Jennifer and Raven walked up the stairs. Mike the organizer - I still couldn’t remember his last name - walked over to us. "Here's what I was thinking for today. Pete and Val, you can continue to help inside, but Jamie, to spare your lungs, I plan to have you outside to help Jennifer go through the books we bring out. She says that she thinks some of them may have some value, and I thought you'd be the best qualified of us to determine what books, if any, are worth passing on to an appraiser. And it will give you something to do which doesn't involve being in the dust and mold."
    "That sounds great ."
    "Cool ." Mike turned away. Jennifer and Raven were at Jennifer's doorway; Jennifer was opening the door. I had just unwrapped my second Egg McMuffin when Jennifer and Raven both screamed.
    Pete jumped off the end of the Jeep and ran for the stairs; I went after him. Pete was pounding up the steps, with me in close pursuit and Stan right behind me. Jennifer and Raven were pale as ghosts, clutching each
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